The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

This is almost entirely the work of Reagan, both on the culture front (he really sold the lie that government is bad so middle class people should oppose big government) and policy (the highest marginal tax rate went from 70% to 28% in his Presidency).

"Hook me up a new revolution
Cause this one is a lie
We sat around laughin’ and watched the last one die… " FF

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The estate tax is so easily evaded you have to be a god damn moron to have a big estate tax bill. LOL family farmsssssssssssss think of the farmers

I think it was someone here that pointed out just how many of the problems with this country today can be traced directly back to the Reagan administration.

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Twitter replies are the high point of most days for me.

It’s why he’s one of the biggest assholes of all time.


What do we have here…

I figured the R backlash would be instantaneous and I agree with Gleick. Whether or not they admit it, even to themselves, Republicans have taken this path because they think it’s in their self-interest to kill people. Well, fuck them.

I mean the order does allow companies to do weekly testing instead of the mandate. I doubt many companies will go that route though

Yeah I’m impressed. If only he showed balls when dealing with manchin/cinema

It’s harder to deal with a guy who you can’t even threaten a primary challenge since everyone knows it doesn’t matter and a lady who clearly isn’t rational.

I’m not trying to disagree with you; I just don’t have any good ideas on that front.

In before SCOTUS puts the vaccine mandates on hold while they spend years winding their way through the courts.

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Time to see how those armed yokels do against tanks and bombs I guess.

I need to move.

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Manchin daughter is almost certainly a criminal and at a minimum you could make her life hell for years and probably ruin her career

Yes, show me a piece of paper one time or set up a testing program for who knows how long.

His daughter retired in November at the ripe old age of 51 with a $31 million golden parachute.

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Can see into the future. Blind to the recent past.

Joe Biden of Borg is coming for you. Do not comply.

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Soon zero cases

I am the least violent person I know but it would be really fucking hard to not punch that twerp in the face if I ever saw him.