The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK


Something like this – changing the filibuster rules without completely nuking it – is probably the best we can hope for at this point. If they’re clever about it, it could even work.

I think the problem is if you look at possible reasons why Manchin and Sinema don’t want to kill the filibuster, those same reasons will cause them to be against changing the rules at all. But maybe it’s an out. Maybe.

At the very fucking minimum. Dems have, have, have to pass a voting rights act. Hell, tell Moscow Mitch you are going to nuke the filibuster, and on top of that pass M4A if they don’t pass voting rights.



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This is surface level pessimism I guess, but what will the new voting rights act have in it that ACB & The Supremes won’t just instantly gut, just like they gutted a lot of the present voting rights act? Not saying don’t pass it if it becomes possible, but that’s not an enduring structural change if the court is very probably going to be conservative for 20-30 years. I’d be more excited about stuff like new states, court packing (maybe) etc.

I don’t know. I’m not holding my breath for gerrymandering reform or more states. But if dems can’t at least get a voting reform with more polling places open, more weekend voting, and more mail in voting. Then just give up.


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They’d have to nuke the filibuster so not gonna happen.

The way I see it is our only chance is 1-2 big reconciliation bills, better vaccine rollout which leads to getting back to normal and the economy coming back is enough for us to pick up a couple seats in 2022 and hold onto the house. If that happens then maybe we can nuke the filibuster and get some decent voting rights bills.

Zero chance it’s happening before then.

Honestly Collins is way better at her job than Manchin. She votes with Republicans on literally anything important and Manchin fails us.

Spot on. Stop negotiating with people who will never get to yes no matter what

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They are literally negotiating with terrorists at this point. Republicans supported a violent insurrection!

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The political analysis here is sometimes so contradictory.

Dems have to nuke the filibuster but at least one and maybe a couple dems are on the record saying they won’t vote to do it.

Is the argument they should have the vote anyway even though they are sure to lose? For symbolic purposes?

That’s a very informative post that really helps me understand your side of the argument. Maybe all that tear gas is messing with your brain.

I don’t think trump has anything on anyone except maybe rudy. If anything it seems more likely that mitch has something on trump.

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Unity. Gotta negotiate in good faith with this person:

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what the fuck is she even talking about

since it rises above deeply concerned levels, it must be really something!

Someone accused her of having a position on something?


Grunching a bit but the Sinema/Manchin filibuster thing shouldn’t be any surprise. There was always a 0% chance the Dems were nuking it just like there was a 0% chance this Democratic party was going to enact BIG STRUCTURAL CHANGE.

The majority of them are wholly owned by corporate interests and while they are allowed to say whatever and make promises they aren’t actually allowed to enact change without losing their spot at the feed trough. That makes the things the majority of the American people want impossible without gutting the Democratic Party.


Democrats can’t pass a Voting Rights Act on their own unless Manchin/Sinema are willing to do filibuster reform and/or they get 10 GOP votes.

If Bernie were president, he’d be able to give some stirring West Wing-type speeches and magic those votes into existence, but we’re stuck with Sleepy Joe, so no such luck.


Like you say the problem isn’t who is president. Biden would sign all of the same stuff Bernie would sign if the Dems in congress would actually pass it.


What you say about signing things is true, but Biden is not going to spend much (if any) political capital trying to get stuff done that needs to be done.

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