The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

You’re right, the people of West Virginia wouldn’t respond in the slightest to the literal president of the united states coming to their state to tell them that their senator is holding up health care for them



If Schumer had those two go public with filibuster defense to get the organizing resolution done only to turn around and nuke oh never mind lol me


Man you guys are 100% gloom and doom. Manchin was aways saying no filibuster. McConnell just caved. Good thing right?

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We need voting rights and new states or we’re fucked for the next 10+ years. The house is super gerrymandered, Senate is fucked, and the supreme court is 6-3 with evil fascists.


most of us are quarantining during the pandemic, not taking december vacations to see international fuckbuddies. can make people a little testy and pessimistic


This is important because 4 years ago she couldn’t even have her own RobinHood account


Probably the least worst option

The idea that it’s the rich Dems in Cali and NY and not the poor Dems in WV who might go socialist is something like concern trolling and also insulting as if poor people must be racist/sexist/backwards.


Manchin beat a socialist challenger by 40 points in 2018. Trump beat the scary socialist Joe Biden by 40 points in 2020.



This was basically Fly’s shtick. He was more entertaining when he played this card. But when he did it, he was wrong.

Everything that catface is saying is correct, and him pointing that out doesn’t make him a secret racist or misogynist.



I don’t want to give him treats.

I’d rather treat him the way we treat nazis.

Make him President?


Bernie: I don’t know what compromise means


Saw someone on CNN talking about changing the vote be for keeping debate open. Say 40 or 45. Absolute. Not fraction of members present. Someone wants to filibuster? They have to vote in person. Maybe say a vote is required every 6 hours to keep debate open. If no one is being a dick this can be done by “no objection”.

A. Forces them to vote
B. Forces them to all sit there and suffer.

Allows the Senate to keep the sacred filibuster buts puts the onus on the minority to really commit.

Of course LOL they should just nuke it. But lol manchin and the proud history of WV and Byrd doing over 24 hours to try and stop the Civil Rights Act.

Honestly I’m not even sure Minchin and everyone will be down with the reconciliation bill.

But two fat reconciliation bills plus taking care of vivid and getting us back go normal might be enough do win in 2022.

Who knows if these fucks like Minchin are even down for that though

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Committee hearings and confirmations have still been going through these last five days, can’t imagine any R slow walking of those being meaningful.

This smacks of West Wingingian cosplay to me, Schumer can’t back down from the iconic “unacceptable and will not be accepted” line so him and Mitch cut a deal with Manchin and Sinema to make their firm public statements supporting the filibuster.

We’re in an interesting situation. We have a 4 year holding pattern where we’re guaranteed nothing legislatively terrible will happen. That’s what we voted for and that’s what we got.

After that, it’s basically up to the GOP to see how far they want to go and how fast.

They’re not going to pass anything new, other than more tax cuts. At least not for a long time. They’ll just take away existing stuff. Once all the stuff is gone and they’ve made voting more difficult than it already is, then maybe they start actively passing laws that restrict specific speech and protests. It’ll be a vicious circle. The worse things get, the more of these “illegal” protests there will be, and the “voters” will hammer protesters even harder.

We’re the water circling the outer edges of the drain, but we’re spiraling faster and faster, and the result is inevitable.


Maybe McMitch caved because Schumer knows what Trump had on him.