The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

A Justice Department watchdog has opened an investigation into whether any current or former officials tried improperly to wield the powers of the department to undo the results of the presidential election, his office announced on Monday.

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Seriously I have been so tilted by the tweets of the Governor, AG and two senators from Texas. They are all total pieces of shit going full throttle right now.

If I see the indicted AG tweet about not allowing law breaking lack of deportation, one more time, I am going to punch a giraffe. If the Governor doesn’t stop tweeting about how happy he is he is crushing abortions in a week, I am going to punch a rhino.

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I’m going to need some clarification on the claim that women couldn’t have bank accounts before the 1960’s because I’m pretty sure that’s bullshit. I’m guessing some part of the civil rights act said banks can’t discriminate on gender which is important and significant, but that’s a long ways off from saying they can’t have a bank account in the same way they couldn’t vote until the 19th amendment.


They could have a bank account if a male co-signed. I know a lot of shit seems from a long ass time ago but this country is young. It’s only a few generations.


This is definitely true of anything with an aspect of credit. Women were seen as bad credit risks so any loan required cosigner.

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And I really don’t need any more notifications that “xxxxx has opened an investigation into this obviously criminal thing Trump or his enablers did,” or the even less relevant “random democrat wrote a letter asking someone to look into obvious crimes.”

Wake me up when literally anything bad happens to any of them, ie never.


Was there was something up thread about Biden muttering “salute the marines” because someone in an ear piece told him to do it, but he just said it? Was that fake? Someone I know tweeted it and I want to tell them it was fake.

I’m sure that was policy at many banks for many women. But “banks can discriminate” means a very different thing than “women can’t have a bank account”.

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Why the hell is lady liberty crying? This is a good thing. Politics should be boring to average people. Politics shouldn’t involve popcorn. Like take lady liberty out and this could easily be a pro-Biden cartoon. ARGH triggered

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… its satire.


No it’s stupid. The thesis seems to be that politics should be like a riveting page turner every day and that’s what makes lady liberty happy.

… it is satire.


It’s one of those lies that people post on lefty Twitter that you’re not supposed to point out because it has truthiness.

Seems like an odd hill to defend. Until legislation prevented discrimination, there was an institutional bias that made it much more difficult, likely impossible in many cases. After all, why would a woman need a bank account if she was home making sammies like a good wife should be?


It’s not a coincidence divorce rates began to skyrocket once women weren’t discriminated against. I mean yea maybe a nice lady in 1940 opened a bank account without consent from her husband. But she probably had to deal with interest rates 3-4x higher than a man. Point is, women opening bank accounts on their own were few and far between.

I read it as if she was crying about the stupidity of the reaction of the others.

This is where some Garrison styled captions could really help!


Lol it is satire! I had seen some by that guy before and not realized it. Cool. Didn’t know he was in the Onion - that context makes all the difference to get the satire.

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The joke is that the cartoonist is supposed to be a cranky old conservative. It’s a parody of Garrison style cartoons. So, ha ha this dumb old cartoon artist is criticizing Biden for being a boring policy driven president.