The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Make Ambergris Great Again


True, true.

But imagine if she’d announced a bid in something like California.

Or heck, Georgia! After it went blue for POTUS and the Senate, it’d be a hell of a sweat.

I mean that’s a heck of a lot funnier than shaking my head at her probably heading down a now-drama-free ascension to public office.

Everytime someone insults Huckabeast, an alcoholic failson gets his wings.


It is good this stuff is in wapo and NYT daily

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Did they defeat Howard Smith, though?

I don’t think it’s an especially hot take to say we’re doing better than we were in 1962, even if we still have a very long way to go.

Next time an undocumented person kills a US citizen whether intentionally or by accident, it’s going to be bigger than BEN GHAZI :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: 9/11 on right wing media (I don’t have to tell you nerds that that’s Knuth’s arrow notation)

Sticking this here because there isn’t one for VP:

Edit. Figured out these are previous VPs. Recognised Nixon, LBJ, Ford, Bush I, Gore etc but idk any of the earlier ones.


It’s absolutely wild to go to sleep for 7+ hours and come back to only 3 new posts in the Presidency thread. We got so used to nonstop insanity that the normalcy of no news overnight feels anything but normal. I like it.


Congress can’t change the constitutional requirements for being President. Conceivably they could declare him ineligible for office under the 14th Amendment based on the 1/6 insurrection, but that is shady in a lot of ways.

As long as every immigrant facing deportation knows a member of Congress who can call Joe Biden, then everything will be ok.


Green box is Agnew. To his right is Ford, Rockefeller, and Mondale and then all the newer ones are obvious (for Americans anyway). I think yellow box is Nixon and two to his left is Truman and I can’t name the others.

a woman with a bank account?? how absurd


For the grocery shopping and whatnot.


Yea. Stuff like that is a big reason there weren’t a lot of divorces. Women had to depend on a man. It’s crazy.

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The sad part to me is there are a lot of people who actively seek this kind of old school, woman-completely-dependent-on-man type of relationship - it’s extremely common in religious circles.

But to me, being dependent on someone else is the purest form of hell, so it always blows my mind people put themselves in situations like that willingly.

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Social pressures are a helluva drug.

Good for now, bad when they elect a Q person


Ohio’s population has shifted way deplorable in the past few years. I am not excited to see the upcoming crop MAGA/Qidiots who will be governing the state in the future.