The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I’ll defer to Elizabeth Warren other than to say it may be a contested issue. There being a specific law that allows it would help though. The POTUS does not have a free hand on budgetary issues. That’s largely Congress’ purview.

I think it’s the first one.

I have to think a filibuster nuke is imminent in that case. Mitch’s real goal here is to waste several weeks while they “negotiate.” He will take it right down to the last second then give in. His whole ballgame is running out the clock to November, 2022. Early days are far more valuable than late days, too.


Are you arguing that Obama’s unprecedented use of executive orders opened the door to Trump abusing EOs and that everyone predicted that could happen, so it shouldn’t have been done? If so, is that the same argument as saying that nuking the filibuster opens the door to Republican excesses if they ever re-gain the Senate?

This is why they need to take this excuse to blow it up.

If the Ds had all the votes in their caucus 100% all in and they’re going to run the table on deep structural reform (DC statehood etc.), yolo it I guess. But if they nuke it for bandaids, I think it’s hugely -ev.

If they nuke it to accomplish a single positive thing it’s +EV. Might even be +EV to nuke it without subsequently passing anything.


It wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. There wasn’t many ‘diner interviews’ and it was mostly talking about not leaving the front line workers behind, which regardless of what you think of their politics, should be kept in mind.

Enjoy vast cuts to medicare and social security when they get power back?


That would be electoral suicide. I’m much more worried about new voter suppression shit. Nationwide voter ID, nuking mail in voter unless you’re elderly or something etc.

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While this is obviously a real problem, there is a legitimate risk to Republicans of the GOP disenfranchising their own voters.

Minorities are pretty used to dealing with all the bullshit by now. Minority turnout was absolutely enormous in 2020, and it is alot easier to get these people to the polls, in compliance with whatever bullshit laws Republicans pass, now that they are registered and have voted before. On the other side, how motivated is a MAGA loser once Daddy isn’t on the ballot?

I am not at all convinced voter ID will even work for the GOP in the near to medium term.

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When Riverman is optimistic about something we need to be afraid. Very afraid.

MAGA turnout in 2022 likely to be yuuge.


Take money from the military to pay off student loans.


Huckabeast running for Senate.

I believe it’s a gubernatorial run

Arkansas too. She’s got a shot.

Whatever R gets the nom will win, so it’s just a question of who the party decides to back.

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