The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

It’s hypothetical. For the purposes of the question, it doesn’t matter whether he would actually do it or not. I agree he probably wouldn’t.

I’m starting to question the value of this impeachment trial. Could dems pass a law that precludes Trump from running again as a sidestep on impeachment? I think that would get much more support from the GOP as they don’t want him to run again either.

Why would he run on the patriot party ticket if he’s acquitted? He’d be a lock to get the republican nomination again.

He’d been talking about a run since the 80s and ran in 2000. It was not because of the Obama speech.

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This is pretty awesome.


If that is possible (doubt it), that would be terrible.



then nuke the filibuster anyway




Revising post.

Obama didn’t blow up norms on executive orders. It’s been pretty steady lately, but man o man FDR did EOs.

I went by this chart, which I assumed was a good enough source:

Per this chart, my statement was accurate. And it’s interesting to me that UCSB would get this wrong???

I already covered this option in my edit, which was present long before you posted this.

Revised my post. I found that. Dunno what’s up with BC’s numbers. At any rate, the main point that Obama didn’t break a norm is right.

eta: Also Grover Cleveland issued further - nit

And Trumps use was pretty excessive (when looked at per 4 year term) in modern times, which was somebody’s point that Chad disputed.

Meh, Trump issued a bit more the Clinton and W in their first term. Nothing norm breaking by either Trump or Obama imo. Purely based on number of EOs.

Still more per 4 year term since D.D.E.

But you are correct, I didn’t notice the trend that you point out which is many seem to issue more in their 1st term than the 2nd, so Trump when looked at by that lens wasn’t super excessive.

Yeah, nitty convo. I don’t think there’s much to the number of EOs. Trump issued EOs to ban Muslims. That’s pretty norm-busting. I’m big on limiting Presidential authority, but what is an EO? It’s just the POTUS giving direction to all the people they are supposed to be leading. Still has to be legal and constitutional. Doesn’t seem like a problem unless they are issuing a lot of orders that turn out to be unconstitutional/illegal.

I’m hoping for more EOs from Biden. Good ones.

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Without a trial, that would be a bill of attainder, which is unconstitutional.


I have never heard that phrase. You learn something new everyday.

Makes sense. Thanks.