The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I don’t think he needs much of a platform to say Ben Sasse voted to convict your god-king. Are you going to stand for that?

He had already run a previous time, so I don’t know why people keep repeating this.


Doesn’t matter if it’s true, only if they believe it’s true.

Trumpkins are brain dead morons that need a daily dosage of Trump hatred. So yea, they will forget unless they hear it 20x a day.

Yeah, I’m saying they would have reason not to believe it.

Doubt Ds care enough about a conviction to make any concessions over it, even if it were actually possible to reach that kind of deal, which I highly doubt. Never having [redacted] run again isn’t going to protect Ds from Rs ratfucking a free and fair election with a different candidate, so why trade anything away for it? They already did their part for the most part, they impeached twice and will vote to convict twice. The more important part now is standing up an executive branch and legislative apparatus that can do things, which means getting gavels asap, cabinet asap & milking reconciliation for all it is worth.

Please @me if I’m wrong, I’d love to be, but the filibuster is not going anywhere. Either it’s already a no go because of Manchin (+ others I suspect), or maybe Chucky will get to nuke it once to get the organizing resolution through if Mitch continues to block it, but then they won’t use it again because Machin (+ others) will want to keep it for legislation.

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Where does the nationwide organization and funding for Trumps party come from?

yes, there’s # of votes, mitch, thune, collins, manchin, portman, burr, romney individually and whether they convict or not in 100 days.

Predictit has very high rake just to warn you, 5% withdraw fee (seriously), 10% of profit on winning bets. max of $850 (each side in the bigger markets).

It’s a soft site though overall but there isn’t much free money left–you can degen on cabinet votes if you want.

Mitch is -200 no atm

Grifters are going to line up and turn it into a pyramid scheme.

Social media.


I am confident that if Trump announced he is running, or considering running or whatever, he will be back on Twitter and every other social media platform. Twitter didn’t care when Trump told numerous lies on a daily basis. They only did something when legal liability issues were raised when Trump’s lies incited violence or had the potential to incite violence. Maybe he’ll make a friendly donation to the Twitter folks and promise to abide by their rules, and bingo he’s back on Twitter.

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Lol do you believe your own bullshit?

God, a Trump Party could revolutionize the world of campaign grifting. Forget about sponging campaign funds from PACs, just have Don Jr. on AM radio asking for money from MAGA chuds. The Trumps could pull off the kind of grifting the Paul family has been engaging in but on a massive scale.


Going to be tough to do that with no money and in jail.

Why are we making deals. They lost. Go get your Fucking shine boxes.


It’s the fucking gavels. Rs still chair all the committees and w/o a power sharing agreement they will keep doing so. (As I understand it)

Does the Democratic establishment view this as a potential vote losing action? I hope not, because that would be insane, especially given it allows them to accomplish the exact opposite.

But I feel that is a small part of their reluctance. Yet nobody who matters cares. The GOP is going to cry about anything they do and their base will inject it. But nobody actually cares if they do it as an action.

I can really see the republicans playing this all wrong. It’s obvious they need to convict Trump AND prevent him from holding federal office. Anything else plays out horribly for them.

They feel like they need to keep Trump supporters in their corner but no matter what trump will mess that up for them.

I hope they handle it as poorly as I expect they will. And I hope Trump does run as a third party in 2024. God willing that his health allows it.

That means you sell your soul to Trump for the rest of his life. You can’t ever disagree with him on anything.

That is a crazy path and the one I hope they choose but it is the wrong path.

Who is behind this plan? Not anyone with the last name trump?

Steve Bannon maybe but nobody else that remains in Trump’s orbit have any of the many tools to pull that off.

And Trump not having an outlet changes the situation drastically on what he could actually accomplish.

These people are in a cult and their leader is basically gagged right now. Nobody else can just step in and start giving orders abc direction successfully. Especially not when he is still alive. And trump would never ever ever ever endorse someone to act in his stead with full authority.

So who is going to organize this primarying of 17 senators and do it successfully.

Don’t get me wrong I support it 100%. But the only right play for the republicans is to limit what Trump can do directly. That is a much bigger problem than worrying about some movement or proxies.

Knocking him completely out of 2024 would limit the amount of coverage the media would give him. They will still give him coverage, but nowhere near if he is a candidate.

But I pray GOP plays this wrong. They all sell their soul to Trump for life and he screws them anyways. It’s crazy to think Trump would keep his word or ever he honorable. Much better to limit where he can go.

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