The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Is there a Mitch yes/no market?

I’d love some action on no

The whole thing is effectively a Mitch market, no?

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If the Senate convicts and bars him from running again then he is threatening to start a third party and run against a bunch of Republicans nationwide.

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So let’s say Mitch comes to Chuck with deal:

I’ll get you enough votes to convict and you can have the gavels, but we keep the filibuster.

Should he take it?

Edit: This is hypothetical, so lets assume Chuck honors the deal. I will stipulate that taking the deal and reneging on Mitch is optimal.

I don’t understand how he can do that if he’s barred from running for office. Who’s he going to run - Jr.? Good luck with that.

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He’s been neutered. He’s not on Facebook or Twitter. He’s not holding rallies or press conferences. How is he keeping the base engaged? Has he even given an interview on Fox? Anything? I mean IDK. Maybe I’m the dumb one. But he hasn’t done or said shit in weeks.


Pretend you are Mitch. You say you wanna convict. You just pissed Trump off right?

What’s Trump gonna do? He can’t use Facebook or Twitter. He hasn’t gone on Fox. He hasn’t had a press conference.

What is Trump gonna do?

You don’t think Jr gets 20% of the vote in Florida running against Rubio if Rubio votes to convict and bar? There’s all sorts of people he could get to join his dumb party.

What Keeed said.

Also “Look this whole conviction after office thing is unconstitutional. Just write me in and after I win, we’ll make sure the courts will enforce my victory”

He doesn’t need that many gullible rubes to believe that to cost Rubio a win.

Trumps main problem with this third party gambit, is that he has no credibility

Trump: Well if you vote to convict I’ll run 3rd party and ruin the GOP
GOP Senators: OK, so if we vote to acquit you won’t run
Trump: Yup. Cross my heart, hope to die

Trump gets acquitted.

4 years later

GOP Senators: I see you’re running on the Patriot Party ticket. WTF? We had a deal!
Trump: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Everyone knows this is how it would play out, so not convicting Trump for this reason is pointless. He will do it either way.

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Why would he run third party in 2024? He would just run in the primary again. He’d probably win.

Someone tell Republicans that ranked choice voting can protect them against a Trump third party.


That was probably true in 2016, but he has Trumpified the party so much, that may no longer be true.

If he loses the primary. It wouldn’t surprise me if they come up with a way to ratfuck him if he tries. But he is drawing live to win it for sure.

He’s never starting a third party. It requires actual effort, way more than just waltzing into the debate stage in 2024, lobbing zingers are the pathetic losers around him and grifting hundreds of millions of dollars.


Or they could ratfuck him by convicting in the Senate and save all the drama.

lmao fuck no.

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The blame for the ratfucking is diffused if they do it via some sort of primary shenanigans. If they convict, then 17 specific senators are taking a bullet.

Only if Trump has a platform. He’s been neutered.

The man ran for and won the presidency, a job he had no interest in or capacity for, simply for spite because Obama made fun of him at a dumb dinner.