The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Biden has proposed a $400 billion COVID plan that can’t be passed without Congress.

Trump wrecked the ability of the executive branch to function. Biden’s priorities should be administrative in nature, making sure that government can function again. I think this is more important than tackling policy issues, save for COVID. I also expect that some of his time in the early goings is going to be devoted to re-establishing good relations with America’s allies.

So, it’s not that I think Biden should be working on COVID and only COVID. I think his next priority should be getting his Cabinet in place and reviewing personnel so he can clean house. Once you purge bad elements, then you can work on changing policies. I’m not sure if he will follow-up properly, but a moratorium on deportations and figuring out a permanent policy later is certainly what I would do in his place.

One thing about Biden is that he is not going to wield power dictatorially. He will be reluctant to order by fiat even things that he strongly believes need to happen. This means that having representation, having a voice in the room where it happens, is key. Biden’s Cabinet is less white than I expected and it feels like there are more progressive voices than I thought there would be in the lower level of appointments who will form the nucleus of Cabinet candidates for the next administration.

The bottom line is that I can make a case that Biden’s priorities can reasonably be different from yours. That doesn’t mean that he shouldn’t be pressured or that he is guaranteed to do the right thing, but my read on his personality is that if you’re too aggressive in trying to sway him, he might just tune you out, so I’d be judicious on choosing how to lobby him if I had his ear.


I think this is the big question. My feeling is that Mitch has never wanted to nuke the filibuster because they (the right) don’t really ever actually want to pass shit (other than like a massive porno tax cut for the rich that they can do through reconcilitation), so they want to preserve a norm that allows nothing (good) to happen.

I assume some would say that the eDems have that same instinct (though I don’t think most of them do), and that’s not a terribly unfair accusation.

But basically, imo, if Mitch and them every really saw a fantastic use for blowing up the filibuster, they would have already done it, as their simple-minded (and occasional accidental populist) cousin Trump begged them to.

I don’t know how the hell he won re-election as a democrat in WV in 2018, so who knows.

This isn’t unusual. The Solid South slowly moved towards the GOP because Democratic incumbents continued to win and were replaced incrementally as the aged out or were finally defeated.

A lot of the politicians who survive in districts or states where they appear to be a poor ideological fit are good at the sort of non-partisan constituent services that help make them popular while politicians who are very Washington-focused and neglect tending things back home are ripe for being defeated electorally.

Manchin won by 25 points in 2012 and by just 3 points in 2018. Him flipping is a huge concern.

Why would Manchin prefer this to the status quo?

I don’t see it. Right now he’s the most powerful democrat in congress, 2nd most powerful behind Biden. He can legit get whatever he wants.

If he switches he’s just another Republican who has to follow Mitchs orders. He ain’t shit as a Republican and he’s never getting shit for him or his state. and is very likely to get primaried as a Republican.

Like he voted to impeach Trump, is calling for it again, and you think he survives a Republican primary?

He’s probably toast in 2024 regardless of what he does so the move would be to stay democrat and get everything you’ve ever wanted as the swing vote.

He’d have to be a huge idiot to switch


What a bunch of cuck losers

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He’ll just do it anyway after they vote. What’s going to stop him?


I still think the Senate may convict. These guys act with their best interests in mind. And the bottom line is the GOP lost the House in 2018 and the Senate/Presidency in 2020. Trump under performed in 2020 in relation to down ballot. He’s the reason both GA races went to the Dems. If we know this shit, they know this shit. The crazies like Cruz and Rawley won’t turn on him but we need 17 to convict. Mitch is a weasel anyway so he and Schumer would probably make a deal.

Dude, GOP Senators are coming out left and right against it. And Trump’s cult is at least 70% of GOP voters. It’s not happening.


I get that. I’m saying they will do what’s in their own best interest. Bottom line is Trump under performed compared to down ballot in 2020. Elect a bunch of crazies with Trump out is a viable play.

It’s like this. If Trump is on the ballot in the future, the GOP knows the never Trumpers will show up to vote. Unless they think they can overcome that, cutting him loose is an option. I don’t care what they are saying in front of the cameras.

Legislating – passing popular legislation and making Republicans vote against it – is the only way to preserve power in 2022 and 2024. Executive orders combined with congressional gridlock is a loser, potentially giving the GOP a trifecta in 2024.

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Yeah, and their best interest is not pissing off Trump.

In almost every red state, Trump is more popular than their GOP senators.


Lol that threat literally would push them to do the opposite. He’s so dumb.


But that may fade w/o his twitter disinformation firehose. How is he communicating with the MAGA masses right now?

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Right? Does he know how a senate conviction would work?

This. What MattyLice is missing is Republicans are way more interested in their own personal power and position than the Republican party. Voting to convict is setting yourself up to getting primaried and losing power. Plus getting harassed and maybe worse.

Pretty sure Mitch is considering convicting because he’s going to retire in 6 years when his term is up.

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It might.

But if I’m a random senator from some red state whose sole purpose is to stay senator from said red state, the most +EV move right now is not pissing Trump off.

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Trump conviction tanking on PI right now.