The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

More like he has 10 months to do something about it and there are more pressing issues.

Obviously if you want to come back in November and bring it up I will be all eyes.

As noted above the primary focus should be on Covid issues and relief. Student loan debt is not an immediate pressing issue.

But you know that.

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Senate Dems do have a threshold. They invoked the nuclear option in 2013 for most nominations.

I think the threshold this time around is blocking COVID legislation that Machine views as must-pass. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s less than that and I think it will be a couple of months before he gets mad enough.

Itā€™s pretty obvious where we are.

The choice is literally:

  1. Nuke Filibuster

  2. Give up completely on governing and probably lose democracy completely in 4 years

Thatā€™s it.

And weā€™re relying on a 95 year old mush brained corpse and the father of the epipen price gouging CEO


Yeah because it takes so much time to sign something


if they get full control in 2024 weā€™re not completely fucked all for getting not much in return for nuking it now

Good filibuster thread from Reidā€™s chief of staff.

Cliffs: nuke it immediately

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Worth pointing out that many other countries have a government that can just decide legislation, pass it, then impliment it.

Depressing when the other team are in charge, but makes the whole business of governing a lot more simple.

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Would House Democrats pass Manchinā€™s dream coal industry to buy his vote for nuking the filibuster?

West Virginia has 1.8 million people.

Give every single one $100,000.

Thatā€™s $180 billion. Chump change.


It would do a lot of good too.


Dems should not get out of their warmongering that easy. They are not giving into reps they like our war budget too.


Honestly it would have been difficult with Hillary as president because she would have been trying to fight it with literally zero help from congress. Mitch would have passed no funding. Plus we wouldnā€™t have had Trump blowing up norms which now allows us to do a TON through executive authority.

Obviously it would have been better but not sure how much without any help from congress. Economy would be super fucked too. Imagine no stimulus or anything?

Honestly dems be in a super bad spot if Hillary had won and Mitch kept the senate.

Iā€™m actually a little worried about McConnell getting Manchin to flip, TBH.

What are you basing that on? It cannot be on pure numbers because Obama executed fewer per 4 year term of any President since Chester Arthur.

Nuke the filibuster and then pass a law that says Mitch McConnell has to wear a suction cup dildo on his forehead in the capital


Gerrymandering effects the House, not the Senate. The Senate is worse than gerrymandered. At least in the house, the districts have to be the same size. The senate has states that are 50 times bigger than other states with the same representation.


Seats in the house of representatives. And likely state level stuff, but I hardly pay enough attention to that to know.

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You mean house, not Senate, and the answer is no, not really, but they can try to do better when it comes to winning state houses in 10 years or so?

Itā€™s been a huge Dem leak for ages now.

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Admit DC, PR, USVI as states.


Isnā€™t he more valuable and safer as a Democrat? As a Republican he is threatened from both flanks. He will be primaried by ambitious Reps and challenged by Dems.