The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I assume you don’t mean anyone here, because I’m sure that never happened, but I agree it was part of the sales pitch that allowed him to win. (And I do think he was the only candidate in the primaries who could’ve won, based on the insane turnout that Trump was able to somehow garner.)

I agree. Close to zero chance Biden win without covid.

I do wonder about Bernie winning though. It seems insanely hard to turn out youth to vote no matter who is running. Are there any historical examples globally where a large part of the under 25 vote turned out? Wouldn’t this have been the largest part of the new voters Bernie could theoretically produce?


Chiefsplanet seamlessly transitioning into full Tan Suit mode.


Lol the Hillary one is indistinguishable from satire. Amazing.


Your point actually makes me think the opposite maybe. The media was very unfair to Bernie during the primary. I wonder though that being against Trump, who they hated even more, might not have shielded him? In general, they like to pick sides and I wonder if they have the capacity to attack both sides.

Lol they 100% pick trump. Not openly, but they’d constantly undermine and attacl bernie


The appeal of Biden was that he could beat Trump.


I don’t think anyone was listing the things Trump hadn’t done.

There’s also this whole (and very much related) “everyone is a pundit” shit, which means that people think Biden is more electable because they think other people care that he will work with Republicans.

(It’s not like most everyone is not vulnerable to this of course. I wanted Bernie a lot more than Biden, but even I would frequently go down the whole “But Bernie won’t win because other people will think he’s too radical” path.)


This has probably been linked somewhere here, but white people safari alert on the front page of CNN

Whole thing is as infuriating as you would expect.

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Wasn’t Biden supposed to cancel 10k student debt right away? Did that happen?

From about 15 minutes ago:


As I understand it, the idea of student loan forgiveness is that it is stimulus that can be done by without congressional approval. It’s something that ought to take a back seat to passing more efficient forms of stimulus that reach people who didn’t go to college.

His current plan is to defer payments and interest until October. I think his general plan should be to prioritize COVID vaccines and delay permanent solutions for a variety of issues–including kids in cages–until that gets locked down.


So he lied got it

It’s actually a good question. I find myself getting super annoyed with the “reasonable” Trump haters who feel the need to concede there was going to be a worldwide pandemic no matter who the President was. Back when we were tracking the R of the virus we had it under 1 for a short period and that was after it had really spread. Imagine if we had set up aggressive testing early and targeted measures to keep R low where covid was known to be present. Or at a minimum didn’t spend a full year encouraging half the country to be anti-science and holding superspreader events to make a point about freedom. You know, like a lot of other first world countries did who now count daily cases in the single digits. On the one hand, it seems too simple to attribute a global pandemic to the actions of a single person, but on the other hand we know why we’re massively failing against this disease and all of it can be attributed to Trump. I’m sure the CP answer is terrible but the question is pretty good.

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Yeah worrying what the republicans do is the worst strategy. If they need to remove it they will, so worrying about what they would do with it removed is nonsense.

Or they can just continue to get walked all over and pushed in the sand at every single turn, forever.

Elections have consequences, for democrats. Republicans not so much. That needs to change, now.

Pretty clear senate democrats don’t have a “too far” threshold.

Increased military spending?


Glad that CP and UP can agree on a shared path moving forward.
