The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Is that set in stone? Doesnt the vp decide?

But i mean if were going that route just nuke the filibuster

What is the argument against nuking the filibuster? That Republicans will use it to their advantage in the future? Imagining any future where the GOP doesn’t do the absolute most craven thing at every turn seems naive at best. Look at the goddamn Supreme Court. We should be going balls out.


It’s not a good argument but I think this is the main one. For some reason Biden and others think a strong opposition makes for better government.

From Wiki:

Congress can pass up to three reconciliation bills per year, with each bill addressing the major topics of reconciliation: revenue, spending, and the federal debt limit. However, if Congress passes a reconciliation bill affecting more than one of those topics, it cannot pass another reconciliation bill later in the year affecting one of the topics addressed by the previous reconciliation bill.[2] In practice, reconciliation bills have usually been passed once per year at most.[15]

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It does in theory but assumes both sides are acting in good faith. When one side is not, the only option is nuclear. It’s standard game theory.

The dems issue is they can’t seem to understand the GOP is not, and will never, act in good faith. It’s willful ignorance at this point and no longer excusable in any way.


You’ll also hear Republicans say “we didn’t nuke it when we could have,” which is (shocker) complete bad faith bullshit. They did indeed nuke it for judges, but not for legislation, which is self-preserving because they effectively prevent themselves from passing super unpopular laws while outsourcing the really ugly stuff (voting rights, campaign finance) to their electorally unaccountable judges.


Strong opposition can indeed make for better government, when the two parties have shared ideas on the desired outcomes and competing ideas on how to get there. But when one party wants a neoliberal corporatocracy that at least kinda sorta keeps its citizens alive and healthy and the other wants a oligarchal ethnostate with a destitute underclass, there’s nothing that one party brings to the table to help the other achieve their goals.


this is 100% correct, republicans absolutely did not preserve the legislative filibuster out of any sense of honor, it was 100% because they figured out they could get what they wanted without worrying about it and therefore they could keep it around as a cudgel when the democrats managed to get a majority, and WALLA, here we are.

And FWIW, I don’t think normal voters will give a single shit if the filibuster gets nuked. worrying about this is inside the beltway navel-gazing. Normal humans don’t know or care what a filibuster is, the ones who will pretend to be mad about it are already foaming anyway, there is literally zero downside to nuking it.


Negotiations between Schumer and McConnell over the organizing resolution are already hitting a snag. McConnell is calling for the resolution to include protections for the legislative filibuster, which Democrats are rejecting. And the talks are occurring as the Senate is preparing to hold a second impeachment trial for former President Donald Trump.

During floor remarks Friday, Schumer said that McConnell was making an “extraneous demand that would place additional constraints on the majority" and argued that the Senate should instead use the same power-sharing agreement as the last 50-50 Senate in 2001.

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That was my first thought as well.

Yeah that was a bad post by me. The point is that they have a duty to explain to the reader what is really going on and make no effort to do so. The “view from nowhere” is pervasive and super destructive.

They don’t need to nuke the FB to pass bills when they never vote on bills.

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I think they actually do understand that somewhat, but they view the nuclear option as akin to political violence. I can make the game theory argument for when political violence is justified, but some people will just never accept it as a viable option until pushed too far.

GOP Support - When Will Biden Give Up?
  • He already has and is playing the game
  • Next 30 days
  • 31-100 days
  • 101-365 days
  • After that
  • Never

0 voters

Man it seems like some of y’all think that if Biden doesn’t go around flipping double birds to every republican in the first two days of his administration it means he’s going to cower to them for his entire presidency.

Biden has done nothing other than say some meaningless things about ‘unity’ that commits him to nothing. Maybe wait a bit?


Tax cuts for corporations?

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there’s a difference between “Work with republicans to get stuff done” and “totally capitulate because of some insane arbitrary 60-vote rule”

I am slightly hopeful as Biden had a front row seat to McConnell screwing over Obama for 4 years so I’m sure he won’t be stupid enough to…

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That poll strongly disagrees with this take.

I think I’m going to need this defined before I can give an answer.