The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

There’s a false dichotomy in there. Its possible that it was tactically wrong for shitlibs to attack Rogan for supporting Bernie AND for Rogan to own his own choice to ramp up his toxic masculinity and become a powerful voice for fascism in America. It is simply indefensible to pretend he has/had no agency, it doesn’t matter how much you liked his radio show 12 years ago nor does it matter that establishment liberals are morons.

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Rogan sucks, I only liked it for a bit a long time ago, but he changed and he’s a terrible person.

I’m simply speaking to how fucking tactically stupid it was for shitlibs to make an enemy of him because they feared Bernie. That’s it. I’m not pretending he had no agency, I’m simply pointing out cause and effect. It is a predictable outcome that if you savagely attack one of the most powerful voices in America, he will use his power back at you.

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Isnt misogyny the actual base for most of this (even more than racism).

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Yes, I didn’t say anything about racism?

I agree, and he is a monster for doing it.

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Yes. But we had a dude with an audience of like 30+ million listening to this dude talk about how fucking awesome Bernie was who is now pushing anti-dem fascism.

Although I’d guess the super rich shitlibs prefer that outcome to bernies movement growing. As long as they don’t end up in prison, GOP policies benefit them anyways.

Indeed. Let’s not let Joe Rogan tear us apart, let our shared hatred of Republican-lite Democrats bind our hearts together in eternal love. :two_hearts:


The iron law of American politics: the more authentically furious Republicans are, the more correct the underlying action is:

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Rogan was a fair-weather Bernie-curious guy who was inevitably going to flake out and flip back to MMA yambag politics.


Politics of outrage. Simple as that.

Maybe. Point is if Republicans feel like they need to let the bi-partisan bill pass because it protects the filibuster, and if they don’t pass it they don’t get all the awful shit they got in the bi partisan bill and the dems just move all the shit they want over to reconciliation.

Manchin & Cinema are basically going to go along with whatever the dems want now, Biden and dems have all the leverage over them because they BADLY want that bi-partisan bill to pass. They will still do some dumb shit, but they might start at like 6 trillion and Manchin and Cinema will get it down to 4-5 trillion which is what dems really want.

According to the guy on the Majority Report, lots of people were actually happy with bernies 6 trillion and instead of saying its too big, people were complaining it didn’t include the shit they want.

If the bi partisan bill passes I can see 4-5 trillion happening.

So basically Biden/dems can get whatever the hell they want in reconciliation, Manchin & Cinema aren’t going to do shit because Biden can nuke the bi-partisan bill.

If instead Mitch nukes the bi partisan bill and filibusters it, then yes the bill will be much smaller but it puts a ton more pressure on Manchin and Cinema on getting rid of the filibuster.

Mitch go outplayed bigly, and he’s got to worry that if he does nuke it he puts the filibuster at risk. He’s probably gun shy after fucking up so badly in GA.

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Nah, Rogan’s brand is more casual bro politics. I’d rather have him inside the tent to be sure but no one should be kicking themselves if they wake up and find he’s now endorsing Tulsi or some Libertarian guy or whoever. This is not a reliable voting bloc for anyone.

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Their crying is pretty sweet because it does seem they were actually surprised.

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It’s weird to think that Brian Redban was somehow a moderating force on Rogan, or at least that’s the impression I get. I stopped listening to the JRE a few months before Redban left because I stopped having time to listen to 3 hours of JAQing off but it was a much sillier show then and Rogan admitted he knew jack shit about anything.


Rogan’s entire shtick is anti-mainstream, so it’s pretty obvious that he’d be more favorable to Bernie than to Biden. I think the shitlibs shitting on him was stupid but I doubt that’s the reason he’s going after Biden. Let’s be honest, the things he says about Biden are the exact same things we say about Biden. It’s just that we’re saying them within a more knowledgeable context around people who still understand that Republicans are awful. Rogan saying them to his idiot manchild audience is problematic since they will use it to reject anything lefty, as if Joe fucking Biden actually represents the left in this country. Its problem. But I don’t think I can blame shitlibs for it.

We just gotta get some Bernie-adjacent guests on his show or something. Shit on Biden from the left instead.

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KyleKulinski was on not that long ago alough I didn’t watch or listen to it as I’ve not watch JR since the debate went down in here wrt him.

Basically around the time he left Bernies camp :grin:

I agree with a lot of this but he was super supportive of M4A, UBI, investing in black communities etc well before he picked Bernie.

He’s the political equivalent of the guy who refused to listen to a band because they’ve become “too popular”, regardless of the quality of their music.

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But does he deserve any credit for that or is he just one of these people:

Blaming libs for Rogan supporting Trump and being antiBiden has some real ‘Deplorables are voting for Trump because Hillary insulted them’ energy