The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The officer purge led to the Red Army being essentially leaderless and could have ended in the Soviet Union having to withdraw behind the Ural mountains.

Thereā€™s nothing between Pearl Harbour and the US west coast while there are a thousand islands between Pearl Harbour and Japan where the US could hop from one to the next all the way to Tokyo. Japan could never have threatened the US mainland.

Nothing between Pearl and California makes it harder for the Japanese to threaten the US mainland, right? The US island hopped and used each island as a base, shortening the supply lines. The Japanese strike on Pearl was already an ambitious stretching of their supply lines, I think they had to use all their fast fleet oilers to do it. Thereā€™s no way they could strike from their bases all the way to California. Even if they were to invade Pearl Harbor (which, again, they couldnā€™t; if the December 7 raid stretched their supply lines to the limit an invasion is out of the question), they could only maybe launch raids against California. Which wouldnā€™t accomplish anything.

I left out ā€œneverā€ in my last sentence. Itā€™s now fixed. Sorry for the confusion.

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OK that makes more sense, lol.

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Cliffs on what exactly the Dems did well with regards to the infrastructure bill and reconciliation? Iā€™ve been out of the loop for a couple days but glad to see the consensus here is they actually played the game properly for once.


Dems engaged in a bipartisan negotiation for weeks, then announced a ā€œdeal.ā€ Republicans thought they could either a) let the dogshit bill pass or b) nuke it at the last minute because reasons.

Separately, the democrats are guaranteed to pursue a D-only reconciliation bill that will raise taxes on rich people and corporations and if necessary do more infrastructure stuff. The GOP seemed to assume infrastructure would not be in this bill because of the so-called deal above.

Biden now says heā€™s not signing the dogshit bipartisan bill unless and until the reconciliation bill passes, leaving the GOP to bitch and moan while withdrawing support for their own bill. Meanwhile all Dems, even Manchin and Cinema, are on board for the reconciliation bill.

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Clearly this is because God is American.

My googling failed to turn up anything recent connecting Omar and the infrastructure bill.



Itā€™s a huge failure if the president of the united states doesnā€™t know about a trainee form?

There is plenty Biden sucks about. This isnā€™t one.

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From the majority report ep posted up. This actually gives Dems huge leverage against Manchin and Cinema to do a huge reconciliation bill, because they badly, badly want the bi partisan bill to pass. So we could see a 4-6 trillion bill in reconciliation.

Mitch and co might let the bi partisan bill pass because dems are going to get stuff anyways through reconciliation, and a bi partisan bill takes all the pressure off Manchin and Cinema getting rid of the filibuster.

There is some logic, still not sure Mitch lets the bi partisan pass regardless. But heā€™s way more worried about the filibuster and voting rights than dems getting a bi partisan infrastructure bill win.

Might be gun shy, last time he was over confident get got wrecked in GA.

That seems very optimistic.

Inject it straight into my veins


This right here, although if Kudlow says itā€™s a double cross, I guess I have to check myself before I wreck myself, because everything Kudlow says is wrong.


President Trump rants and raves like a maniac for four years nonstop.

Joe Rogan: ā€œI think I like it!ā€

President Biden whispers a couple times into a microphone.

Joe Rogan: ā€œHeā€™s out of his mind!ā€


Until that senate bookkeeper says the items canā€™t be done in reconciliation for reasons and the dems shrug and throw in the

Joe Rogan will claim he is a comedian but that is hard to do when you are not funny.


Rogan turning hard right is a big problem. He has a MASSIVE young audience, and I think a lot of it is mainly revenge for the way the shitlibs went after him for endorsing Bernie. As always it was dumb as fuck on their part, wrong, and petty. Way to turn the dude with the largest young audience in the country against you because you feared Bernie.

And no prior to the shitlibs attacking him Rogan shit on Trump 24/7. I was on his forums, listened to some of the podcasts with good guests. Trumpers HATED Rogan. Rogan said he was funny sometimes, but was a terrible person and a horrible president etc.

I donā€™t know, lets not rehash this Rogan shit with the people who were on team attacking Rogan. Youā€™re wrong and I wonā€™t engage.

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