The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

It still needs 60 votes right? Or so I not understand how things work. You’re saying both bills will pass;

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Ryan Grim said the infrastructure bill will only need 50 votes as no GOP’s will filibuster it…

I’m vague on the reconciliation votes but he did say that it would pass too and that the’ve done this power sharing before even alough it seems complicated both parties are on board, he was just mentioning that the Dems still need to hold it until the GOP makes good when the moves start.

we’re sending 100,000 afghans to tinyass guam because there’s just no room in montana and wyoming

Waiting for the episode to be ready to download but I have a lot of doubts gop won’t filibuster

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21 mins 20 seconds in :+1:

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lol. you have no historical evidence for this. for a decade and half prior to the war stalin eliminated all who deviated from party line and could challenge him if it ever came to that. stalin was a greedy bastard who reveled that soviet union and germany divided poland, which paved the way for all-out ww2. he was reportedly in denial for days after nazi invasion happened (because he had planned to stab hitler in the back himself), which threw evacuation of ukraine and belarus to the efforts of local officials and people’s own will. stalin persecuted commanders who were too successful against german troops because his own incompetence was quite obvious. to this day, it is a disgusting lie perpetuated in movies that soldiers were running into battle yelling “For the Motherland! For Comrade Stalin!” or the disgusting lie that somehow soviet leadership had to make these “hard choices” to ultimately win the war against super-efficient germany. allies won ww2 in-spite of stalin, not because of him.

it would be wiser to settle them in smaller communities but in more places. ultimately it’s about building ties within communities, rather than creating insular cliques.



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I’ve recently been reading and podcasting a bunch of WWII stuff and I was somehow unaware of how close the bad guys were to winning. In b4 “they did.”

Depends who you think the bad guys are no? 🙆

I assume you’re referring to a possible Axis victory early in the war, since the tide had turned after Stalingrad, and it was essentially over after D-Day.

Yes, also I didn’t realize Japan was kicking our ass and we basically ran like god at Midway, sinking 4 carriers out of almost pure luck (also didn’t realize how scarce and valuable aircraft carriers were).

I don’t think we needed to run like God at Midway. We knew they were coming and we had long range recon aircraft based at Midway so we were always more likely to find their carriers first.


Stalin was obviously a horrible monster and put the Soviet union in a bad place to but there is a lot of variance in these things. If the Soviet union had a weak leader it’s easy to see the whole country collapsing under the devastating losses. Just like they did in WW1.
Point being very few leaders would have been willing to let their country suffer so much. His evilness and iron will kept them in way passed what most leaders would have accepted.

Plus the soldiers were as afraid of Stalin as they were Hitler. For awhile massive, massive amounts of Soviet troops were surrendering. Stalin made it so if you surrender your family goes to the gulag and had special groups to shoot anyone trying to surrender.

It’s easy to see other leaders not being evil/willing to do that and Russia/su losing to Germany

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That’s the same thing that let German troops initially be greeted as liberators in places like the Ukraine.

So doj suing Georgia just goes to the supreme court who says fuck you states rights, correct?

You need to be in range and have air superiority. In a scenario where the axis wins the Allies don’t have that.

I always expect more right wingers to argue that the US should have allied with Germany to take down Stalin.

this is dumb. stalin was a terrible commander who overestimated his own forces and made strategic mistakes. he had already killed and displaced millions. both orders 227 and orders 270 are war crimes, and were ineffectual at best, even though in some accounts the orders eventually shifted Stalin’s attention away from killing russians, and towards killing more germans.

why would you stan for stalin over this?

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Midway could have broken another way, but even if we lost all three carriers the US is still winning the war. We launched 24 fleet carriers by 1945 and the Japanese launched 2 or three. So carriers were precious in 1942, to be sure, but if Japan had total carrier supremacy they couldn’t actually hurt the US. It would just delay the hurt the US put on them, and let the Japanese dominate their side of the Pacific for a year or two longer. The Japanese knew all this but thought the US would get sick of getting our ass kicked and sue for peace, and let them have the Philippines. They didn’t realize what a rallying cry Pearl Harbor would be to the Americans.