The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

gotta be careful not to capsize the island


Antifa and BLM should try to infiltrate the FBI.


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VORP bitches. The underhanded corporate style fuckery on display from the Democrats on this deal makes me so happy. Nice to see them not being totally incompetent for once.

He was glory hungry and wanted to go down as the greatest roman ever like all Romans but afaik historians are split on whether he wanted to be king or to actually try to fix the republic. Like his policy of mercy, not killing his enemies, and him actually passing good common sense laws and doing things to try to fix what was broken. It was clear that if something drastic didnā€™t change the republic was going to tear itself apart. He didnā€™t just give the poor everything they wanted, he was super fair and tried to do things good for everyone.

At least thatā€™s how Carlin made it sound.

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Donā€™t think this is right. Neither is great but I think oligarchy and the incentive of members to protect themselves from one another is better at avoiding extremes generated by ego and personality (Nero, Commodus, Stalin, Hitler, Trump type guys and outcomes). It seems like the worst outcomes historically generally line up with when Joffrey takes the throne.

Maybe. But we had slaves.

Stalin saved the world from fascism

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counterpoint: he didnā€™t, and he executed millions by his own decree.

Counter counter point: he did. Irrelevant

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Counter counter counter point: Stalin was a fascist. See ā€œState Capitalismā€.

Counter counter counter counter: irrelevant again

Undefeated neva lost

Did not save the world from fascism.

Did. Youā€™re welcome.

Iā€™m gonna say it was the soldiers that did most of the work defeating fascism.

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stalin threw millions of soviet soldiers and civilians to certain death, who would have been overwhelmed if not for lend-lease, and having an equally maniacal dictator on the other side. not to mention the fact that german tanks invading soviet union were made out of russian steel exports approved by stalin. this mythology around him need to die.

Without someone insane willpower like Stalin Russia / Soviet union likely collapses against Germany. His brutality and will power did keep them together and defeat Hitler.

If it was someone else weaker itā€™s hard to say what the outcome would have been

Say what you will about Stalin, but his death was cinematic gold.


So the infrastructure bill will pass with 50 votes and wonā€™t be fillebustered by the GOP acording to Ryan Grim and the reconciliation Bill will pass also as thereā€™s something in there that everyone wants GOP/Dems all in on itā€¦

The folks like LG etc were not in on it to begin with and the reason thereā€™s a slight hold up is because people be posturing a bit including JM & Co, but he says that all the journalists know that once the speech went down yesterday thatā€™s its its a done deal.

He was on the Majority Report with Sam Sedar today, Iā€™m sure the clip will be online.