The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I watch Hayes about once a month but today he’s in top form ranting mode.

it’s still not likely. come on now

Oh good, maybe they’ll come to the Rust Belt and create businesses and decent kebab restaurants…

lol this country. Guam? WTF? At least we’re not leaving them to die, hooray for incremental progress.

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America will not leave its Heroes behind! We will ship them off to some colonial possession that’s not remotely prepared for 100,000 new arrivals!

Damn, Guam’s population is 160,000. Well I guess we’ve got till September to figure out the logistics of this.

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Damnit rivermanned again. WAAF

Biden believes in horseshoe theory like some members on here

This is such a weird post for a forum of this level of political sophistication. I know you don’t believe Biden even knows this document exists so what is the purpose of this post?

The document is idiotic but has nothing to do with Biden.

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Yeah its just some dip shit left over Trumper writing that manual. That said it wouldn’t surprise me to find the FBI is up to some shit to disrupt left wing movements across the country. Wouldn’t surprise me as in they’re 100% doing it, but not like they’re terrorists. Just kinda derail them and make sure they don’t organize and grow and stop the movement.

They’ve learned since MLK, you gotta get in there early before the movement has any momentum. Plus they now have counter propaganda that 40% of the countries listens too.

It’s not that we haven’t had any great leaders since MLK, it’s that the FBI etc have stopped them before they got started.


100% the FBI has and is infiltrating local Antifa and BLM groups.

I mean I don’t even really think there are " antifa " groups. Like scattered small groups of friends or people who found each other on-line but there isn’t a lot of organizing going other than hey lets counter protest that white supremacist rally or some shit. Waste of resources.

I’m talking about real left wing shit. DSA, local community stuff and activism. Definitely BLM.

BLM national organization has its own problems though. Credible accusations of corruption, they got an insane amount of money during the protests and I haven’t read about it going to anything.

And I and others donated to them on act blue and it sent our donations to random left wing causes or some shit.

Sorry no sources, just going off memory, working insane hours.

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I think that, plus the media learning not to platform anyone left of mitt Romney has gone a long way.

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“Deal” is already toast.

lol they were probably so gleeful that they owned the dems yet again and got uno reverse card. I don’t care if nothing else comes of this, I’m just going to enjoy the Republicans getting outplayed for ONCE.

Plus it seems like Manchin was in on it, which gives me optimism.

I’ll ride this high, hope is a good thing red, and when it turns out they are who we thought they were thats fine, I had a nice day or two believing there was a chance.


Guam was a temporary post where Vietnamese refugees went before moving onto America post-Vietnam War. Might be the same thing here.

The Vietnam pullout was an epic disaster. Why not bring them to the mainland US? This is mental, and it sounds like no one’s put any kind of planning into their evacuation at all.

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My favorite thing about libertarian types is how they misunderstand the difference between negotiation and extortion. Extortion is when you tell a counterparty that they will do what you want them to do in exchange for nothing but you not hurting them somehow. Negotiation is when you offer to exchange something you have for something they have.

I get property rights for the stuff I own, no accountability for externalities my business generates, and you get nothing is what they actually advocate for… and then they’re confused why they aren’t more popular with workers.

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He was a fascist. That doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Oligarchies are rotten. Having 0.1% of people with all the power is not meaningfully better than having 1 person with all the power, and if that 1 person eschews the wealthiest people to some degree and needs the support of the poor (leaders all need lots of support), it can be better. Still sucks of course.

The American dream: with enough hard work anyone can become an oligarch.

Nonsense. They’re offering us FREEDOM!

Man, we listened to Trumpers screaming for the last 4 years how Trump was playing 4d chess, and ain’t nobody saying that about poor Joe. Bad beat for Joe. Things are way easier when you have a cult behind you.