The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Proletariat kinda sucks when it gains power

Why was this not done on Day 1?

Or at least by Day 101?

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Cesar wasnā€™t bad. Much better than the oligarchy.

Honestly although he was all in on overthrowing the oligarchy, in the end he was more like a left leanint centrist.

We need an aoc type Cesar who goes full left but changes us to a parliamentary and all that other good shit. Mostly just gives power back after fixing everything before she gets killed and we just become a dictatorship.

I donā€™t see us fixing the system through our current system

Now, think about the ways to move on from the current system.

Thatā€™s a pretty generous slant. He was a power-mad tyrant who leveraged populism into a dictatorship.

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You want a Cincinnatus, not a Caesar.


Cinema said the same thing. Appears very likely there will be a very large reconciliation bill. This is unambiguously good.

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Maybe but we need someone of that talent to fix this system and also not be a power hungry tyrant :(

They have to campaign.

Oh wait. Yeah. Never mind.

The ā€œbipartisanā€ bill is never passing

Mitch definitely mad he got out played. Good political move from Biden and manchin being on board.

Actually kinda gives me hope. They are actually strategizing, so itā€™s slightly more possible manchin might eventually move on voting rights too

Yeah Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll regret saying this but the Democrats actually appear to have won this round.


4D chess this whole time. Manchin and cinema acting wild to make republicans super comfortable and pass the most horrific voting rights bills plus just be super obstructionist.

Then bam, they use it as evidence on necessary steps. They nuke the filibuster and pass HR1.

Manchin is the one who leaked that call

Right guys? Right?

We had all assumed Manchin and Cinema would push their bipartisan infrastructure bill, which would be dogshit, then withhold support for the D only reconciliation bill or water it down to nothing.

However, both are now saying they are on board with a D only reconciliation bill, importantly also saying tax reform is needed. In addition, Biden has (very smartly) said heā€™s not signing the bipartisan bill until the reconciliation bill passes.

End result is likely that Democrats get what they want and Republicans will look stupid and partisan for voting against their own compromise. In a perfect world this also highlights their refusal to act in good faith which helps us get voting rights done via targeted filibuster nuke.


Plus just the fact that they pulled a really smart strategic move is a good sign. We all just assumed they were being useless and incompetent and there to just pretend to do stuff but not actually try.

But this is a good sign theyā€™re playing the game of politics for once and are actually going to try and deliver for people

A whole forum of sweet summer child gimmicks


Surely this time Lucy will simply let us kick the football.

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A+ thread title change though