The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Although I guess we’d lose the huge voting block who care about political norms and the fi filibuster. You know those people who go to the polls and main concerns are is the filibuster still in place? Is Biden not abusing his position of power to fix the mail?


Yes. I had ~8 lbs of coffee sitting in a post office in Baltimore somewhere for like 3 weeks before they delivered it to me. On week two of waiting for some new socks that are allegedly ALSO at a post office in Baltimore just sitting.

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It is just so fucking absurd DeJoy still has that job. I can’t think of anything that more perfectly captures what complete losers Democrats are.


I thought he can’t fire him without sparking a constitutional crisis.

He can fire people on the board who can fire him. Right now its a tie between reps and dems and one independent who has financial interests in keeping DeJoy in or some shit. he can fire like 2-3 Republicans, put in dems, and they can fire him… But muh norms. It would be political abuse of the federal office!

Republicans would never and will never do such a thing.

I swear dems think there is some huge voting block who choose them over Republicans because they respect political norms or some shit because this is the easiest win of all fucking time.

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There is a Democratic majority already (as of a few weeks back), it’s just that at least one of them seems in on whatever corruption DeJoy is up to.

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Oh thought he was an independent, whatever fire one more Republican or two or all of them just make sure you get enough votes to get rid of this fuck.

People will be a lot more happy that the mail is fixed and nobody will give a shit come mid terms that Biden abused his power or w.e

Not in America, but yes.

Ordered some clothes. Should’ve been delivered over a week ago but DHL just picked them up for delivery today.

Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice defending Trump?

Yeah, I’m not totally sure. An article I just read says 5 of the 9 are ‘Democratic appointees’, as they’re not all politicians. However the dude I’ve always heard of as the problem for ‘Democrat votes’ is Ron Bloom. He is a Democrat (he’s an Obama guy), but seems he began at the Post Office under Trump.

In any case I don’t disagree with the idea of doing whatever it takes to stop destroying it.

i wouldn’t take the job of defending trmp obv, but doj probably does need to be the ones representing him.

I wasn’t coming at you just so you know. Just these dumb politicians

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Imagine a person saying their vote was determined by the protection of the filibuster. That person is punched ten out of ten times.

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The FCC is a close second. Biden can’t appoint another dem to give a 2-1 edge for some reason that was never a problem for Trump.

The “do it then tie it up in court” strategy is undefeated, and a complete free roll. I hate Democrats so much, utterly fucking useless


I mean


That guy hates Trump so much, his self discipline in those shit show dear leader meetings was absolutely incredible.


God damn someone should have slapped the shit out of Gaetz