The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Seems like The Hill has s story every day about the Koch’s lobbying Manchin to block progress.

Meanwhile Manchin unmoved after “productive” meeting with Civil Rights leaders.

On the bright side Manchin may have to take his VORP and go home as he apparently is not that secure and may lose re-election due to progressive populists.

This country is lame.

Uh those guys are saving mankind by ejaculating themselves into outer space!

I think he’s only 50/50 to run again.

Yes sinema we definitely need more moderation from the left while the right destroys, rapes and pillages the country and it’s citizenry. You dumbfucker.

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My anti-anti Trumper dad from a corrupt country once said something I thought was colossally stupid that I now realize was only mildly stupid, which was “corruption is inevitable, so it is better to go w/ the leader who fills his pockets first.”

You can see it in a comparison of Joe Manchin and Roy Blunt to Trump. Trump just openly steals from the Treasury so now he can, at least theoretically, do stuff like attack drug companies, be against the filibuster, etc.

Meanwhile, people like Manchin and Blunt hand out billions all over town through byzantine governing so that they can steal their own little piece of the pie covertly in handouts of scraps from the corporate overlords.

More efficient to just cut out the middleman.

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Onion needs to do some research

Manchin votes FOR debate today. I expect to see the next 100 posts to all be apologies to Dear Joe.

He voted for DEBATE…. He’s not voting for the future bill. He can still get fucked.


jesus fucking christ

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Lol debate.

Doesn’t matter if minority party doesn’t want to talk about something it can’t happen. No matter how awful Manchin is.

Ie we going to waste a crap ton more time without any results.

the brain rot is too great. gop must be barred for ever running for office again.

Guys, stop me if you’ve heard this one before, even the dogshit “bipartisan” infrastructure bill isn’t real and will not get Republican votes.

Dems want the Republicans to obstruct so they can campaign on “we tried but they wouldn’t let us!” while Republicans can be like “see the Dems didn’t do anything for you but they want to murder your family.”

Both sides win.


“We tried” isn’t going to cut it. Without the orange man on the ballot they’re going to get destroyed, and rightfully so.

Did I really need to use the sarcasm font in my post? Yeesh.

Anyone elses mail still completely fucked up? My dogs heart Meds that are automated got sent near here, sent to another post office near by, then got sent back to fucking New Jersey where they came from.

Like seriously it’s super, super bad. Shit like this happens on the regular. My dads medications are all late. Like worse than ever. Still doesn’t blame DeJoy LOL.

The fact that dude is still in place is an absolute disgrace Biden is such a fucking loser.

Just come out and make a big speech about how Trump purposefully fucked up the mail and he’s going to fix it and fire who you need to fire on the board and get that fucking loser gone. Ram some shit in the reconciliation bill for the USPS and get someone running it right again.

If the mail is as fucked up everywhere else as it is here, it’s such an easy and huge political win fixing it that only dems could be so fucking stupid to not knock it out of the park. I doubt Manchin or Cinema would object to fixing the USPS.


Doesn’t matter who you are, your class, whatever, the USPS affects everyone. It won’t win over Trumpers, nothing will, but it’d be another well shit electing dems fixed that mess maybe I should vote for them again point.