The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Like Chuck, this ain’t it bro. They filibustered an investigation into a coup. Just letting them filibuster this and thinking shame will matter is super dumb.

I know he’s in a tough spot here but the is a complete waste of time. It’s also insulting to everyone that he wants credit for “bringing it up for debate” or whatever.

I’m sure she’ll be very surprised when the Republicans eliminate the filibuster in 2022 or whenever the next time they hold the Senate. Certainly they’re acting in good faith (this time) when they say they want to preserve the way the Senate works.

This. Make a big fucking noise. Senate held hostage day 25……

This is a lot of words to advance the indefensible position of “it’s easier to get things done when you need 60 votes than when you need 50”.

Unfortunately the problem built into the American system is that it’s not clear who is in charge. In theory the Senate is supposed to be a house of review, but nothing enforces this other than convention. Here, if the Senate refuses to pass something, you can tack the designation “Bill of Special Importance” on to it and if the Senate won’t pass it, the entire House and Senate go up for an immediate election. Voters then exercise their wrath on whoever they deem to be acting unreasonably in dragging them out to the polls. This makes it clear that the House majority is who is running the country, with voters as the ultimate authority.


I hope Biden called Manchin a potty mouth

They don’t need to, the only legislation they want (giveaways to billionaires) can be rammed through reconciliation


Cinema can’t possibly believe this shit. She just can’t be that stupid. I don’t know what’s really going on here but shit’s looking very bleak.

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I don’t think she’s completely wrong; I just happen to be in favor of deepening divisions in this country and riding the variance train.


I don’t know what Chuck should do here, but I’m confident he won’t do it. Just going along nominating judges and negotiating with the GOP isn’t going to cut it.

Manchin is at least old school enough that his dream of “bipartisanship” is at least a one percent viable.

But fucking Sinema man. She is 100% bought and paid for. Nothing even close to an excuse for her shit. (Yes Manchin is also 100% bought and paid for, but Sinema is worse)

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sinema’s argument amounts to an argument against the exercise of power at all since, if you use it, what happens when the other side does too?

Right, exactly. Well put.

sinema is lpp playing against mcconnell tagg.

This, unironically.

Her point of view isn’t unreasonable imo… if we lived in a world with two reasonable parties that were conforming to the norms of society. Since one just threw a little coup attempt out there and blew up those norms, it’s idiotic.

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It does seem kind of bizarre to simultaneously try to argue that we must reach across the aisle, work with the other side, and come to a mutually beneficial agreement with the other side - because if we don’t they will murder us in our sleep.

This isn’t the thinking of someone that sees a path to reasonable, good governance. It’s the thinking of a hostage.


Let’s debate in good faith with the Jewish space laser, COVID isn’t real, democracy doesn’t matter party, white supremacy party!

It only makes sense.

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I increasingly think Manchin and Cinema are just straight up, explicitly corrupt. There is absolutely no other explanation that makes sense. There isn’t even a pretense of negotiation on voting, and ITS FUCKING VOTING. There isn’t a defensible other side. The only way this makes sense is corruption. It is so damn painful to care and watch this happen.


Um, they are and Manchin got caught red-handed:

He is explicitly annoyed that Rs are embarrassing him w/ their unreasonableness because Rs know he wants the filibuster to block popular policy that would benefit people at the expense of corporations.


What is the point of this? Unless the $20 million is to bribe senators this is a colossal waste of money.