The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Real business could afford real signs.

Quite so, thatā€™s fair. But nonetheless Bidenā€™s administration needs to be out in front of this stuff. Itā€™s bad enough that Biden is letting down progressives, but politically its insane to increase funding to police, the sworn natural enemy of black people in America. Black people are a decisive part of Bidens base, allowing attacks on that front is brutal.

What heā€™s doing is pretending or assuming everyone who disagrees with him is an idiot and for the nth time just knee jerk defending Biden from accusations that are exactly consistent with everything heā€™s ever done.


Maybe it should be emotionally charged.

Bidenā€™s campaign promise was to hire more cops and he is going to try and give more money for that cause. Plus we are going to need more police that looks like the community to stop all the BLM domestic terrorists! Thank you Joe Biden!

  • Reinvigorate community-oriented policing. Policing works best when officers are out of their cruisers and walking the streets, engaging with and getting to know members of their communities. But in order to do that, police departments need resources to hire a sufficient number of officers. Biden spearheaded the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program, which authorized funding both for the hiring of additional police officers and for training on how to undertake a community policing approach. However, the program has never been funded to fulfill the original vision for community policing. Biden will reinvigorate the COPS program with a $300 million investment. As a condition of the grant, hiring of police officers must mirror the racial diversity of the community they serve. Additionally, as president, Biden will establish a panel to scrutinize what equipment is used by law enforcement in our communities.

fwiw i appreciate someone is digging this info out of proposals and making it public. i think bidenā€™s administration adjust plans mostly to the public reaction, even when they seem to start from a bad spot.

itā€™s entirely probable that police is overfunded compared to other social work agencies, and at the same time underfunded to deal with whatever they are tasked with since the social safety net is gutted. tbf, a majority is not anti-police, even though they are anti-brutality by officers. i hate it, but the nimbys are out in full force in this supposed compassionate city. the fight worth having right now is what do we get in return: real accountability and busting qual immunity, or nothing. anyone know if/how the squad reacted to this?

all else being equal this is more fascist, but cops are closer to trmpā€™s personal army, than bidenā€™s. comparisons still gotta be nuanced against the context of the gop is trying to steal elections by the full force of the state. in every other country that went through a democratic decline, politically ceding cops and military to the other side proved ill-advised.

This is totally correct, and where it takes you is that you canā€™t just say X is a problem, letā€™s give hundreds of millions of dollars to X to fix their problem. That just gives, in this case, cops more and bigger tanks to do a terrible job with. The government needs to have the wherewithal to say X has a problem, X you can have hundreds of millions of dollars with conditions A, B, and C.

Yeah thats what I meant.

Its not just cops though. When they give rich people money to stimulate the economy they are way to laissez-faire about that as well.

Is this real?

This shouldnā€™t be surprising. Joe was a hardliner during the War on Drugs by pushing for mandatory minimums during the crack epidemic. Heā€™s never had a bad word to say about the police in the nearly 50 years heā€™s been a politician.

Biden is essentially doing the exact things Hillary wouldā€™ve done if she won instead of Trump.


The majority of the country if a cop is walking the street he is not going to run into many people and probably be ineffective at what ever task he is assigned.

Oh now I get it. I support taking away all police cruisers like Joe Biden!

The more I think about it the more I like it. Make cops walk everywhere. It means they donā€™t walk around with a 60lb arsenal of weapons on them with an even bigger stockpile in the trunk of the car.

Also gets the police back into the donut shops instead of shame eating in their cruiser getting worked up over a dear Pete letter before they go rough up some coloreds.

Someone might want to tell Ned Foley something, this is broken lawyer brain city

Wankers :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Iā€™m sure they partied in Cetacea.

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The Democratic leadership does know there are only two years between elections right?


Everything good lasts forever ldo.

Who the fuck is she writing that to? Does she think anyone believes her?

If she really sticks to this bullshit, Chuck should never adjourn the Senate and make them do a talking filibuster until the 2022 midterms.

If they donā€™t do something credible to show their voters true urgency turnout will not be there in 2022 and gg America.

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