The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

A Dutch newspaper did some research on where all the waitstaff in Holland went and the vast majority went into healthcare which was looking for people long before Covid hit and they found the healthcare jobs pay better, have actual long term contracts, don’t have to work every weekend and the jobs are not nearly as bad as they thought they would be so they are not coming back. Lots of bars have reduced hours and smaller terases to deal with reduced staffing because customers won’t come back if they have to wait too long for their food/drinks.


Driving down 95 heading towards DC today I saw a group of people on an overpass ahead of me. Flag waving, giant banner hanging over the fence, and lots of smaller posters. I said to myself “look at these fucking loser Trump cultists”. Then as I got close enough to read the banner and signs I saw “Demand HR1!” “DEFEND VOTING RIGHTS!” “Protect Deomocracy!” And the like. Silly liberals had me fooled.


It’ll never not drive me crazy that Dems concede the label of “pro-life.” Call them anti-abortion, don’t give your opponents ground they don’t deserve.


Good Ezra Klein podcast on this recently. The question is how much we want the threat of poverty to compel people to work and that’s ultimately a policy decision.

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Seriously get fucked Joe. God damned fascist.


In June? Good god.

More military. More police. Ye shall know them by their fruits budget requests.

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I’m driving to NorCal today. Fastest route is through the Central Valley, but it’s 109 deg and the campervan has no AC. We will be hugging the coast as much as we can. 65 deg on the Central Coast.


The white supremacists are in the first category.

I came across this because the libertarian/conservative bro I follow was upset because he felt this document targeted him.

110 in NoCal is glorious compared to 90 in DC. I once had a summer where I went from DC to the Utah desert and it was so much better in Utah, I didn’t want to leave.

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No. Police are mostly funded locally. Duh. The feds spend in various ways for local police all of which are on the order of $1B/year or less. This is a huge increase.

Things are fascist when Trump does it - not when Biden does it. That’s not the way it works. It’s fascist shit. Biden is a cop and military guy. That’s the way it’s always been and that’s the way it is now.


I lived near DC for a year and a half. I know about that dew point business. 110 is hot. Dew point in Bakersfield is 55 deg. That’s a little feels-hotter than it is at 90 deg with 80 deg dew point.

It may not have a broad effect on local police, but it has a lot to do with Biden’s policy on policing. It’s to increase their relatively small part of it (the $200B/year part is what is irrelevant) and shows that his solution to policing is to hire more police. It is the police hiring program. It’s the opposite of what is good. There should be fewer police. Biden can’t cut local police, but he can stop trying extra hard to grow local police forces.


Well, you should have looked it up before talking about the really irrelevant $200B/year that you quoted. I did and it all looked like $1B or so and that would make this a huge increase.

Disagree. This is like one of those impossible onus things that people do to shut people up. The federal budget for hiring cops just more than doubled. The onus is on you to show some reason that it is misleading - and your first effort - comparing it to the obviously obviously obviously irrelevant complete spending on local police departments wasn’t a good start.


Are you seriously arguing about whether this is just terrible optics OR is it terrible optics and also terrible policy? This is not confidence inspiring.

I think he is arguing it is a terrible infographic.


It’s impossible to know anything.

But you can get an idea.

Nearly all state and local spending on police, corrections, and courts was funded by state and local governments because federal grants account for a very small share of these expenditures.

And it’s not impossible impossible