The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

It’s some combination of the pay sucking and not wanting to put up with shitty work environments (especially for the shit pay). I imagine many people realized how shitty their jobs were during their hiatus and may not want to go back for anything. The high-end restaurants on palm beach island aren’t having any problems, their servers and bartenders make more than me.

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It really is insane how much our society coddles and sucks up to businesses. Every little gripe gets amplified and broadcast by every major media outlet without any kind of critical analysis. Nope, we are just going to assume these small business owners know that their employees are lazy and the government handouts have ruined them, and not question them to find out if they might just be shitty bosses that people barely put up with because they were desperate in the first place.


She’s a lot older than what we asked for.

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Ton of pro-Russia sentiment in Ukraine.

Czech people would likely be split between Russia and the Czech Republic.

that’s true, although it’s also pre-2014

cinema? she’s like, what, 45? that’s practically jailbait in senate terms, the average age there is like 90.

Guess the photo caption completely whiffed.

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Nothing will fundamentally change


Reading only the quote that’s like 90% of this forum lol

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am I completely misreading? It seems to be you have to be violent? Seems reasonable.

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Gotta make sure we have something for the “violent” pro-choice extremists. I’m guessing throwing paint on things or damaging property will be included in this wide definition of violent

Anything can be considered violent if they want.


This post is violence IMO.


Stop being so aggressive pls. /s

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How is it bad to oppose things that are harmful to society lol? Isn’t that what decent people are supposed to do?

Violent is such a vague adjective to use. I mean it could be extended to basically any subversive action.

It’s clear that this is another “both sides” type of shit to not draw the ire of the Republican Party.

lol no

Admittedly, it was a tongue-in-cheek comment :slight_smile:

Probably should’ve included a smiley.

As has been pointed out violent could mean a lot of things. Could just mean being at a blm protest where you defend yourself against cops and they check your internet history and decide you fit the bill.

That said it does just seem like some dumb boring bureaucratic bullshit. Could be totally harmless or super scary depending on how it’s implemented

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One thing this country was lacking was laws against extremists on both sides, thank you Biden, now antifa can finally become classified as a terror group like trump wanted!

Lots of BLM chapters explicitly say they are anti-capitalist, are they going to treat blm protestors that have anti capitalist signs or chant anti capitalist slogans as a violent domestic terrorist group, well more so than how half the country already treats them. I guess it’ll be easier for more casual observers to not care about crackdowns at future protests because they will be against the scary domestic terrorists

It’s great we are finding new reasons to expand the police state! A few of us on here said that any push for domestic terror laws after Jan 6th would be used to target lefties which is apparent by paying attention to US history

