The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Hasanabi did a great job today exposing the “parents” going to school board meetings protesting this shit. A lot of them work for the GOP what a surprise!

would like to see who asked the question and what exactly they asked. I presume it was Gaetz since they had that great reaction shot but not sure.

As Milley says „you and I are (were?) both Green Berets“ it does not seem he is answering a question of Matt Gaetz (it would really surprise me if any Republican left military service off their Wikipedia-page)

Edit: maybe this guy asked a question:

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I don‘t think mentioning Mao and Marx in the same breath as CRT is helpful.


HES A WITCH! BURN HIM! :fire: :fire: :fire:

That is amazing and all media should refer to Gaetz that way.


Lol I’m sure they’re terrified joe

Whereupon We Pontificate About Good Media Outlet Choices

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If you willingly put the community at risk by not abiding by our almost non existent gun control laws we will totally come for your business license. I think it’s time to start applying for a Canadian work visa. This fucking country man…


Guys I’m sorry to spoil the ending here, but both bills will get zero (0) GOP votes.

The media is always a willing accomplice. Nobody even pretends to vet and report news anymore.

It’s literally just Walter Cronkite asking for people to click on him world.

Biden came up with a new way to describe a strongly worded letter.

It would’ve been epic if Milley could have turned to him and said ‘people that sexually assault minors shouldn’t shake their heads at real men’

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Wait so Manchin is now saying he won’t do a reconciliation bill unless there is a bi-partisan bill first?

So infrastructure is completely dead? I thought Manchin actually wanted to do infrastructure, this is effectively killing it. Don’t the donors want infrastructure too? I’m confused.

I mean we heard the tape, we know Manchin knows at best he can get 1-3 votes from retiring senators if they get paid off, so he knows for a fact there isn’t going to be a bi-partisan infrastructure bill.

Unless he just means they need to at least bring one up for a vote whatever it is.

As fucked up as this is if there’s anyone I would expect to be able to get the GOP votes needed it’s the people on Manchin’s conference call. They literally own the country.

They might be able to get a couple from retiring senators but 0 chance they’re getting enough to actually pass it with 60 votes.

Nothing these billionaires can offer that they won’t get even more of staying in office and keeping all the billionaires happy.

They can probably squeeze like 1-5 votes which is actually what the GOP wants, as does Manchin. 1-5 votes is terrible for us, because its much easier for them to continue to spin the fiction that bipartisanship is still alive and dems just need to try harder.