The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK


And the ultimate irony here is the Garland nomination completely fucked us because not only did he not get confirmed, but he ended up as the feckless AG we have today. There is no way he would have even been considered for the job if Obama didn’t nominate him for SCOTUS and Mitch did what he did.

So if Obama just nominated Srinivasan or someone like that, we still end up with Gorsuch, but there is a decent chance we end up with a much better AG.

I can’t even imagine the liberal equivalent to Barr or even Sessions. Like it never was even possible to have a good AG.

Gonna have to say this seems very very true.

That’s because the left disdains respect for the law. People who believe in civil society aren’t leftys.

You guys need a lefty Federalist Society. Ya better hurry, they have a 50 year head start.

James Carville is an attorney, right? I could kind of see him doing it (assuming he is confirmable, which is highly questionable). But maybe not. He’s talks a big game, but everyone here would call him a shit lib.

Actually, even better would be Ted Lieu. Obviously not the “liberal equivalent” of those guys, but I have little doubt that he would do what most here would consider a good job.


This. Absofuckinglutely!
Even the Prisoners Dilemma tells you this.

Well, I did it already. I thought we were taking turns.

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There was once a time where the left respected the law and saw the courts as a venue to do good because the liberals/lawbros were on their side. They still are, but the left doesn’t see it that way.

We would perhaps be more respectful of the law if applied in any way to everyone. Also if the liberals respected the law as much as you say Trump would be at Rikers right now awaiting trial.


It does.

Lol dude shut the fuck up. If either of us behaved like the last president for a week we would never breathe free air again and that wouldn’t even be unreasonable. That’s me respecting the law when I say that. The people opting not to enforce the law are the ones who don’t respect it.

They also clearly represent the iron law of institutions wrt the USA empire.

Are you trolling here?

You can’t seriously believe that the court system and law enforcement are functioning effectively, can you?

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where is the block button on this fucking site


You guys are being too hard on Iron, it’s pretty remarkable to have a sitting US Senator posting on our website


They should literally impeach this fucking loser


But, like always, a bunch of Dems lose that thread half way and convinced themselves that Garland was actually the best pick. See: Hillary promising to seat him if she won the election, Biden naming him AG

And if the dastardly plan worked out, and McConnell developed some shame and allowed a vote, it seems clear we’d be stuck with Garland semi-aligning with the conservative majority like a reverse Souter.

For sure the IRS leakers would already be in jail.


