The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

lol you complain how half of the forum bases their views off social media except all your caricatures of the “left” seem to be based off of social media


He does, he has some weird idealistic view of liberal US society lol

Yup… It ain’t bad faith posting when Iron has been consistently posting these takes since the inception of the forum.


I don’t view the law and courts as inherently bad. In my ideal society, there would be a huge role for the courts and lawyers, and I’d likely want there to be robust public legal assistance.

The law as it is currently written and applied is fucking terrible, though, and there is essentially no democratic oversight of any of it. And it’s terrible in a million ways that you’ll never even think about unless you have some personal experience with it. Probably millions of pages of statutes written mostly by local elected officials who are beholden to land developers, restaurant owners, liquor distributors, coal mine proprietors, farmers, and a long list of government contractors, procurement people, hauling companies, etc, and case law written by judges who are appointed by those same officials and are often applying common law that was invented by some inbred fuck in England 400 years ago.

The law that this kind of system spits out is not aimed at protecting workers, or tenants, or consumers, or criminal suspects, or criminal victims, or the poor/sick/disabled/marginalized.


There are way more Irons in the real world than anybody else represented on this forum (maybe excepting metsnfins since fascism is having a moment).


Yeah, Mets clearly #1. And honestly, HeritageNotHate might be #2.

I think in a good society there must be some disrespect for law just on principle.

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Caption contest time

Hopefully this elevator has a button for “Straight to Hell”


To the moon

Which one of these is just like the other?

Eyes Wide Shut

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How colleagues react when noticing someone has drawn a penis on your face.

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On the question of whether you guys are willing to listen to accurate takes that contradict your world view, @pvn votes no.

ah yes the classic “you dismissing my crackhead takes proves you can’t handle any questioning of your dogma” gambit


anyway, someone explain to me why there’s still any question about who signed off on the schiff/swalwell/etc subpoenas. surely the attorney fucking general can like go into the DOJ archives and see who signed off on them. Am I supposed to believe there is literally no paper trail for something that a judge approved and was sent to a major corporation with the force of law behind it?


garland should literally be able to pull this up on his computer with like 4 clicks max


Even worse they knew about them months ago and it’s only an issue at all because someone told the press