The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK


I think it’s a joke.

Not sure though. Bryce is kind of like Andy Kaufman. The things that appear to be jokes aren’t and the ones that are tend to be more confusing than funny.

Fishing licenses and trout stamps are pretty common in every state I’ve fished in.

Come to Washington where you get a saltwater license, steelhead stamp, Columbia river endorsement, shellfish license, and a 2 pole endorsement.

I’m sure I’m forgetting something.

Also, our fishing regs are about 100 pages and they change daily.

Also, the fishing regs assume you know something about the local area. They’re very often written like :

“From the last Saturday in May until September 31, catch and release salmon from the 2nd power line after John’s barn to the confluence with Richards creek”

It’s brutal.


MN (land of 10,000 lakes) same. Different lakes have different limits, etc.

She’d just lock up a bunch of black kids for skipping school.

If you think interest rates are going to rise then you should support them issuing as much debt as possible at current borrowing cost. Borrow 200% of GDP at 30 year Treasury rates and rebuild the country.

Some people think government debt works like their mortgage and you’d have to refinance at higher interest rates in 5 years on your 30 year debt.

The bonds eventually mature and need to be reissued at the higher rate. I do wish the Treasury would issue more long term notes despite the higher rate, but I’m sure there are reasons they don’t.

It’s just because the yield curve slopes upward (most of the time) so issuing tons of short term debt and rolling it over saves money if interest rates don’t rise. That’s why I said if you are worried about rising interest rates then issue long term bonds.

OK? Republicans feign interest for shit like the RMEF or Pheasants Forever and then vote for oil drilling and other garbage. They mostly do this for a defense against their gun right views imo. I’m sorry if I’m misunderstanding your point.

Good god this is an unbelievably bad take. Half the forum has always thought Biden and the Dems sucked and would suck. The other half decided to enjoy a honeymoon period with the Biden admin and/or took a wait and see attitude wrt to what would happen.

Now those two groups appear to be back in alignment that Biden and the Dems suck and aren’t going to do anything. The fact you desperately don’t want that to be true and spend almost every post arguing that it isn’t true doesn’t make it not true.

It has nothing to do with “narrowing views” or a “decreasing lack of tolerance”. If anything the forum has moved right since the election and given the Biden admin and the Dems in congress the benefit of the doubt when it shouldn’t have.


Before and after the election 99.9%+ of this was purely “it’s not the Trump admin”.

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I think it was also optimism from some. There is nothing wrong with that. Pretty much all of the Biden optimists have rejoined the WAAF side at this point though from what I can tell.

I would gladly bet we don’t see the filibuster nuked, HR1 passed or a 2T+ infrastructure bill. No one would take the bet because it’s obvious to anyone paying attention it won’t happen. That’s why iron’s post is so ridiculous. People here pointing out the obvious isn’t because this place is an echo chamber or that tolerance is waning. It’s simply accepting reality at this point.

“moved right?” :thinking:

The best way to look at this “situation” is to go back to the corpocracy take. Both parties worship at the same altar. The WAAFers are “wrong” in that neither “side” are going to kill the golden goose. We don’t need to be afraid of a literal Gilead because if it happens the USD loses value/is dropped from the world’s reserve currency and that’s it, thats the whole ballgame, the US economy is done, DJIA is done, “good” companies like Google pull out and set up their headquarters wherever someone will take them (tax breaks).

If you hear about US based companies starting to look at/hint at moving out of the US that’s when its really all over. Until then, its all performance art.

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At least to me the WAAF take means exactly what you say. The country is a corporatocracy that completely prevents real progress on pretty much every issue that doesn’t benefit the corporations. The fact neither party will cross their corporate masters for the good of the people means we are already well down the WAAF rabbit hole. If the corporate overloads already control everything there is no real mechanism for change. Voting and elections are a mirage. We are at their mercy. And the politics of the last 40 years in the US show that to be exactly the case.

You won’t find any posts of the US turning into Gilead from me because I don’t see that as the end result. What I see as the more likely outcome is just a worse version of what we already have. More income inequality, less access to health care, worse atrocities on brown people at home and abroad, etc.


Well, I mean, right, there is not and almost certainly will not be any significant change in the short or even medium term for the better, but that’s not the definition of WAAF to me, WAAF is the GOP literally stealing elections via non certification of them while they control the House and other “completely crazy” things. I don’t think those are going to happen for the reasons above.

What I’m trying to say is WAAF, but its only lightly. Just the tip. To see how it feels.

Imagine McConnell openly saying that and a single fucking Democrat meeting with him, talking to him, negotiating with him or acknowledging his fucking existence.

He is openly saying fuck democracy.

If Biden doesn’t announce he is done with all bipartisanship immediately I hope he drops dead. I’m quickly becoming watevs levels of fuck every single elected official in the US.


The charitable explanation, that this is all a necessary charade to eventually persuade the holdouts, seems borderline impossible at this point.

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Man he’s been saying that for years.