The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Whatever small percentage of Dems who make that argument will be right. Breyer has the right to determine when he retires.


Of course they are in total lockstep. It’s literally the party of Trump now.

Half of the anger itt is people’s decreasing lack of tolerance of other views due to the ever narrowing views from their social media and this forum.

This isn’t anywhere near true.

People are pissed itt because Democrats are wasting time, negotiating against themselves and acting like Republicans are based in good faith.

At this rate, the Republicans are going to take over the house in 2022 and absolutely crush the 2024 elections.


The game theory is very clear on this, once one party goes scorched earth the only response that works to restore compromise is tit for tat because it eliminates free rolling. So even the delusional “work together” crowd should be in favor of Dems going nuclear.


Nah, brah. We mad because some people seem to think that the Compromise of 1850 is a good model for how to navigate the divide on fundamentals in this country.


What’s the commensurate tat in response to January 6?

That’s what I said in '16 and everyone thought I was going overboard. Should have been 100% scorched Earth until Republicans let Obama have his SCOTUS pick.


Merrick Garland

“Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”


The only hope is that are in lock step due to shrinking via purging of non-disciples (hi there Liz Cheney).

Eventually that’s gotta hurt them. There may or may not be a democracy left by then, just a constitutional republic.

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That would not have worked out well apparently. I think Garland would ster derisis (?) Dred Scott.

“This is all AOCs fault! She’s too divisive, and now Republicans won’t work with us!”


Throw em all in jail, make em flip on any collaborators inside congress, prosecute the fuck out of them

I guarantee you Garland is not who Obama wanted. Garland was only nominated because he was so ridiculously right-leaning that it would make McConnel’s gambit even more transparent than it already was.

Gotta be honest We’d be in a better spot if Biden picked a different VP and put Harris in at AG and let her go fukken crazy

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View: an infrastructure bill less than $2t is insulting

Reason: Running deficits 10% of GDP is unsustainable. The interest rates paid on the debt are likely to rise.

Additional reason, hate for a smaller bill is solely based in the scoreboard rather than any analysis for what the country needs.

Additional reason is bullshit. People should be opposed to smaller bills because passing one is akin to putting a bandaid on a bullet wound.

If interest rates do indeed rise we will have financed badly needed infrastructure at negative real rates.

She’d spend the whole time prosecuting asylum seekers.