The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Point out that this sentiment is garbage.

What does this even mean

That her meds are working well…

He’d just been with he old friend Seaman Stains.

They seem to think that if they have enough hearings and create a Congressional record to back up whatever formula they use for preclearance that the courts won’t strike them down. Obviously in reality it would be a 6-3 (or 6-2 depending on when Breyer dies in this hypothetical world where they even pass this thing) ruling of “lol fuck you”.

Wishful thinking for the last one.

As for the first two: because I have a soul

One popular vote win in the last 7 elections.

6 SCOTUS seats. Really 6.5 cause dipshit won’t retire has one foot in the grave.

You must have missed those fun arguments during the election season

Hunter conspiracy theories are gonna pop up again


After people noting that Ukraine wasn’t formally asked to join nato.

I don’t know that much about Putin’s thinking, but this Ukraine/nato thing has to piss him off more than anything. Russia being a hapless tyrant from which former allies escape has to undermine the entire russian identity and make Putin look like a chump.

Dems aren’t “in on it”. They’re risk-averse and conflict-averse. We need more Democrats who will stand their ground and wouldn’t be afraid to get into a physical confrontation. We’ve got too many weenies in Congress who have never been in a real fight.


Ok, there’s a few dems that aren’t in on it. But most are.

They don’t fight for us or get anything done for us because we’re not their constituents. The reps and the dems have the same constituents - big business.


The original contention was that the Dems wouldn’t seat another Supreme Court justice wasn’t it? If WAAF in the Senate then that contention is true. A Republican Senate is never seating another Dem Supreme Court justice without dramatic action from the current Dem majority. I’m not entirely convinced Biden could seat one now.

Even if they did the correct strategic move and replaced Breyer the immediate result would be the court moving right.

First question—what are the implications for Crimea? This move seems pretty provocative.


Time to tune out, I think.



Dems are smarter than we give them credit for. They always have a fall guy. They’ll blame Breyer for not wanting to retire.