The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

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remember when the eDems all wrung their hands about how Bernie was going to derail Biden’s agenda?


I think we also were supposed to be worried about Bernie as President because the Rs would be obstructionist and refuse to work with him. They might even call him a socialist!


lol, Dems are never going to seat another SCOTUS in my lifetime.

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If eDems wanted to win, they could. But they’re the Washington Generals of politics. They knowingly take on the role of the losers because the actions Republicans take benefit them as much as it benefits the GOP.

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Dems need to have 60 votes in Senate and the Presidency and they need to convince Breyer to retire. It’s such a long shot.

Yeah but democrats will bring back the filibuster for supreme court nominees because, unlike the people in this forum, they actually have some respect for norms.


half the forum believes that the gop strategy for winning is simply running against a democrat, and let structural advantages carry them over. that is all. that’s the entire winning formula.

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How many times did they win the presidency? How many SC justices have they confirmed? How much progress have they successfully blocked?

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Conclusion: the popular vote doesn’t matter.

We’re not running a Monte Carlo simulation here. GOP only needs to bink once to control everything for pretty much as long as they want.

LOL wat.

Okay, but still.

Biden barely won and only because there was massive turnout against Trump. Where is that energy going to be in 2024 if the Democrats keep tripping over their dicks?

What’s the message they’re going to run on? “I’m not Trump” ain’t going to work again, even if the nominee is literally Trump again.

They massively underestimate how much apathy they engender with their endless puttering, weakness and general asshattery.

That enormous anti trump turnout from 2020 isn’t going to magically repeat itself. With every week that goes by that they keep this shit up, more and more people understandably throw their hands in the air and give up completely on politics.


Not going to lie I’m pretty close. The fact that Trump is walking around free after fomenting a rebellion… that’s just too weak tight for me. I’ll donate heavily to primary challengers for the Democratic fossils, but voting in the general election? I live in Texas, which would be winnable if the Democrats weren’t such massive losers… but since they’re massive losers it isn’t and why get worked up on a spot you have no shot at winning?

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Dems would brick themselves if they actually won texas. You’re doing them a favour.

Hey guys, I’m feeling salty today, so…

NEWS FLASH: The Dems are in on it! What the fuck are you going to do about it! *

* Besides moan on an obscure web site