The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The base wants people like Nancy in jail. We’re drawing live to reps not willing to do it getting primaried. And if the gop does get full control for awhile because of voter suppression they will need to give their base some red meat since they won’t be getting the economic help they think they will. Corrupt evil Dems would be the perfect scapegoat

If many were willing to go along with Jan 6 to keep their seat, I don’t think this would be a bridge too far for them either, and I think more and more psychos will be getting elected with the extreme gerrymandering and voter laws

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ok, you need to be more clear who “they” is, I was reading it differently

Just some of the rich shitlibs who have purposefully held this country back for a long time for their own financial benefit.

They is the base. Locking up people like Nancy is red meat. Like lock her up was a huge part of Trump’s campaign. We weren’t there yet but that doesn’t mean we can’t get there as the country spirals down the fascism hole

Oh okay if they will find workarounds never mind.

Yeah, they were ridiculously close to hanging/executing Mike Pence on Jan 6. Don’t think they are going to spare Pelosi if/when the dam breaks.


my favorite Boris factoid is that not even wikipedia knows how many kids he has


Boris Wikipedia Deep Dive seems like fertile podcast fodder

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Here’s one of the “good” Republicans

GOP stands up for literal QAnon lunatics, Dems condemn Omar for speaking the truth.


The Republicans couldn’t have hand picked a more useless person to chair this committee

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Even the Lawbros are disgusted now. 25% of the trifecta time is already gone.


Obama still GOAT

This is false. They gave him the original photo, which happens to be on Wikipedia. I believe Politico took down its comment.

In other news:


Congratulations to Republicans who have now killed about 20% of the Democrats’ time with the majority. Hope everyone in Congress enjoys their upcoming summer break. Oh and they’ll all be out campaigning and doing nothing of any consequence starting next spring. Great job Democrats! Build back better!!!


This is some of the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen.


Kill that idea with fire.

Congratulations on an idea that somehow inserts a filibuster that only applies to Democrats into established norms.

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if we’re going to do that let’s just set it to 40

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