The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Man, it has been awhile…


An eternity, one might say…

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I am the ghost of Shadwell Stair.
Along the wharves by the water-house,
And through the cavernous slaughter-house,
I am the shadow that walks there.

Yet I have flesh both firm and cool,
And eyes tumultuous as the gems
Of moons and lamps in the full Thames
When dusk sails wavering down the pool.

Shuddering the purple street-arc burns
Where I watch always; from the banks
Dolorously the shipping clanks
And after me a strange tide turns.

I walk till the stars of London wane
And dawn creeps up the Shadwell Stair.
But when the crowing syrens blare
I with another ghost am lain.

(the middle stanzas are exquisite)


And bi-partisanship.

Joe Manchin who hangs around Koch’s all day Manchin?

I listen to Popehat’s shitty podcast so you don’t have to.

Calm down guys, DOJ defending Trump is completely fine, stop getting so worked up, the real concern here is frivolous lawsuits.

This asshole is going to be Baghdad Bobbing it all the way into the gulag.


Jesus Christ, that is masochistic. I follow him on Twitter and periodically consider ditching him, but he’s my window into the centrist normie world. Chris Hayes is my window into the liberal-left normie world.

I used to listen to his podcast a bit. Curious where the forum stands on him. I assume he’s a #shitlib?

I think he’s the furthest left mainstream media person

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I think he’s a really well intentioned guy, definitely a lot of empathy and a guy who struggles with depression himself and has the insight that comes with that. The problem is, he has this Boomer brain mentality where he sees clearly the corruption of the part of the world he’s experienced (being prosecutors and law enforcement, regarding whom he is super hostile) but then his baseline assumption with the rest of the world is that it isn’t as fucked up as that. So he often continues to assume good intentions and indulges pretension to rational argument way past the point where you should just be like, “OK, this person is bullshitting me”. And in that sense he’s really gratingly normie. So he’s a mixed bag. His posts are good on subjects he knows something about.

Edit: lol, for some reason I thought you were talking about Popehat here. Yeah, I just agree with @tabbaker. Like I would guess Chris Hayes is a Bernie guy. That’s something to celebrate on a mainstream channel. It shouldnt’t be, but it is. He could be a Warren guy as well but not one of the anti-Bernie types.


I like Chris Hayes, he spends an hour a night teeing off on limp dicked Democratic losers and losing his mind at their lack of urgency.


Can’t imagine why gas and fuel would be up!

This is a really dumb chart.

Hayes would fit in perfectly here

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Economic stats are so tricky. It’s so much year over year that something unusual last year means that this years stats are going to be screwy. But lol taking a 3 year view to understand the overall trend.

It’s either that or the unrelenting inflationary pressure of having to pay $15/h to hire fast food workers.

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Of course prices are up year over year, a year ago THERE WAS A FUCKING NATIONWIDE LOCKDOWN.

10 year treasury isn’t budging. These assholes are so fucking desperate.

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CH will put a lot of the politics posters here to shame with his left wing views, for someone who earns as much as he does imo he genuinely cares for the people affected by the decisions made, is very intelligent and he’s one of the only people from the MSM who most posters here would love a beer with.

Make a poll and see, he is very much liked here and for good reasons, alough I haven’t watch MSNBC for over a year, his twitter is :+1:

I’m honestly of the opinion that either he or his researchers where on 22 and possibly here too, because some segments just ran like our threads on the same days or it played that way because his teams well connected to the ground.


Thanks OBiden!

Yeah his Twitter is good, it’s a little on the normie side just like stating the obvious a lot, but in the position he’s in that’s good. He has to spell things out for people. That’s why I like following him because it gives me insight into what is percolating through to the larger leftish-liberal sphere. Like while Chris Hayes may or may not be a Warren fan, you know every Warren fan would be a Chris Hayes fan.

This :+1:

I like to think CH is further left than most would care to realise.

Yes… And that itself is a skill I think, simple but effective, unlike RM.