The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

“Okay nerd”

/republicans proceed to give you a swirlie.

There is broad consensus. Most of this shit has huge approval. But because of the structure of the Senate, gerrymandering, and voter suppression, 25% of the population can hold us all hostage.

With hr1 and adding DC and Puerto Rico the modern gop would be fucked.


The company responsible for the Keystone XL Pipeline has announced today they are terminating the project after the Admin put a brick on it…


Every singe argument for keeping 1031 exchanges is laughably and transparently horrible. Great job NYT interviewing a bunch of people whose income is derived from this nonsense for the below article.

Even Trump couldn’t get the filibuster KO’d. He wanted that.

That should sink in more here than it does.

25% can hold us hostage because there is super-majority support for the legitimacy of the Constitution.

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Because the filibuster vastly, vastly favors republicans… Only thing they give a shit about passing, tax cuts, they can do reconciliation.

We’ve been over this a ton of times.

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The filibuster is not apart of the constitution… And we can add more states. And we can unlift the cap on the house.

Nothing in the constitution prevents us from being more Democratic, even if that was the original founders intention

Watch Manchin/Romney get 5 Republicans, then lose a filibuster vote 55-45, after which Manchin agrees to lower the filibuster threshold to 55, after which one of the Republicans then votes no, after which Manchin refuses to nuke the filibuster. It will be August 12. The next day, Pat Leahy dies.


I’m telling you, you don’t have to worry about Phil Scott nominating a Republican. It just won’t happen.

A Liz did nothing wrong Lad has big thoughts about how to keep the country running well for the poor

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I thought the FDR comparisons were overblown until he saved TikTok:


Well, 2 senators/state (which is also unamendable as an added bonus) is a pretty tough thing to overcome given how the states are broken down. Sure you can theoretically add more states, but you’ve gotta win enough power to do that first, and it would take more than a couple of new ones to balance out the R advantage there. Lifting the cap on the house is theoretically good, but I suspect it also allows for more micro-targeted gerrymandering and might be a wash.

I mean the gop will have an advantage for sure but it doesn’t need to be so Insanely massive. If we are at a point where we can lift the cap on the house I assume we can also pass hr1 which nukes gerrymandering. Also pack the court while I’m in fantasy land.

For sure we will live in a GOP hellscape. I just hope if so shit libs get jailed for letting it happen

Well we’ve got 2 routes for the house, lift the cap with the shitlibs in Congress or get 27 more states to pass this bad boy Congressional Apportionment Amendment - Wikipedia. I assume hell willl freeze over before either of those things happen.

We just had the actual president try to do a coup and the Democrats now refuse to do anything without the consent of the pro-coup party. We’re fucked, it’s over, the country is gone.

Is there any historical analogy? The party in power willfully refusing to stop the out of power party from implementing one party rule? Absolute fucking insanity.


People are indoctrinated to believe that America is the most perfect form of democracy. When we get enough people believing that the Constitution is garbage, so that we no longer have a super-majority supporting the underlying form of our government, then we have a shot at regime change to something more responsive to the will of the people.

Nothing you’re getting at here is really lasting change. The GOP understands this. They just dismantle shit. They throw mentally ill people out on the streets and sell off the buildings. They force any supposed opposition not only to change laws back, but to rebuild real things that take time and money.

Give people benefits for as long as you can and double it, putting part in a trust in their names. Let the prisoners out and sell off the prisons. Stuff like that. Burn their crops and salt their Earth.

But then, it is supposed opposition.


You forgot the bastard option


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