The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

lol the billionaire audit budget has to be $0 already

lol why should anyone trust a thing these people say, only attacked trump for these things because he was in charge


Uh, I think they’re in on it.


I have a bipartisan idea for Uncle Joe.

To combat climate change (a win for liberals!) invade Brazil and depose Jair the Rainforest Killer (a good ol’ 'Merican foreign war for the fascists). The invasion can be jointly led by Greta Thunberg and John Bolton.


Shit. Probably need more seats to end the filibuster then just to override one.


The only way any of this makes sense is if “healthy debate on the floor” is code for “suitcases full if money that mysteriously appear in my office when I vote in support of the filibuster”.

It’s looking more and more like Manchin is just a convenient scapegoat. The opposition to progress goes WAY deeper than him.


We’ll need to give our fellow poker playing Brazilian friends a heads up…


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The filibuster talk is just a dangly set of keys designed to keep otherwise smart people talking about things other than the Dem leaderships total and utter corruption


“see that healthy debate” lol has this moron ever even been to the senate

I don’t even think they are going to get infrastructure done anymore. If they do it is going to be basically just reshuffling around COVID relief money and there’s going to be almost no tax reform.

They’ve already all but given up on infrastructure, climate change and taxes. It’s over before it started.

Do they not realize how bad shit can get with the lunatics running the asylum in the gop? Many of them ending up in jail is a real possibility

This is why it’s pretty important to not elect people that are beholden to corporate donors. In the presidential race there were exactly two people who claimed to care about this (Bernie and Warren) and one turned out to be a giant liar. It’s directly connected to the gridlock.

There are people on this board who would call this kind of non corporate requirement a “purity test”. Don’t listen to these enemies of the people


It looks like that’s going to have to happen before any of them wake the fuck up.

True progress requires a broad consensus, or at least enough of one that the gains will not be reversed when you lose power. Progress obtained in a purely partisan environment is temporary unless you plan on one party rule…

Or unless you’re a Republican and know the Dems will be too cowardly to reverse the shit you did.

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Romney? Why? He’s right wing, but what makes him a scumbag?

They’ll be standing on the gallows talking about their good friends the Republicans who they know are good people.