The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

In case anyone is under the misguided belief Biden cut off talks to just pass his original plan, he’s actually just decided to talk to a different group of “centrist” Republicans lolololol

I have to admit, that headline fooled me into thinking negotiations were over.

Seriously not charging trump is probably a political strategy. Charging trump would bring out the deplorables in the midterms like crazy. Imagine the grievance. They would run on that and get insane turnout.

The move would be to pretend not to then go hard after the midterms…

Reality is likely they don’t want to go after him because they’re worried republicans will go after them.

Reality is republicans will anyways and I’m going to laugh my ass off if shitlibs get jailed.

When shit starts to get real bad in 5+ years honestly the squad should probably flee the country. The insane base now controls the party and they want democrats in jail

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Jfc. I mean it’s almost certainly to please manchin. Our only shot, like maybe 5%, is manchin is shown it’s literally impossible to negotiate with them and he at least does the John Lewis act.

If even then he doesn’t I hope some NBZ edgy shit happens

Wonder if we can get Romney and murkowski on board with the John Lewis act and that’s enough for manchin to claim bipartisan victory.

I’m sweetsummerchilding hard because the alternative is so hard to accept.

It obviously still gets filibustered 100% of the time, absolute kayfabe

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I mean like he is willing to do a special filibuster weakening for voting rights if he can get a couple republicans on board.

Let me dream

Why would Romney vote for voting rights?

Murkowski is on board, only 9 to go! Don’t worry though, I’m sure there’s 10 patriots on the other side who will do the right thing.

I don’t know. He’s still a big underdog too but he marched with blm and voted to impeach trump. It’s literally just legislation reinstating shit passed during the civil rights era.

He’s a complete scumbag but maybe he will view it as adding to his reasonable republican legacy lol

Then again he didn’t vote for the commission. The constant death threats and hounding of him and his family made h change his mind.

I’m in my delusional optimism mode which is rare but feels good so whatever

My thoughts are if he gets a couple republicans on board he voted to change the filibuster enough to pass it for voting rights only

It’s almost insulting to wrestling to call this kayfabe, the Undertaker is a more believable gimmick than Manchin or Sinema.


He seems like he wants a Big Thing to define his legacy. Probably not enough but that would be the reason.

Saw an interesting and surprising interview with Bernie on CNN. Can’t find the video but here is an article.

Most interesting thing is he said he was “tolerated” by Hillary but feels welcome and listened to with Biden.

The whole thing was way more effusive than I would have ever expected.

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Looks like the senate can work together to give billionaires money and money to fight scary China!

$300 million to counter the political influence of the CPC lol wtf is this shit man


Great nomination Joe, really stuck it to the GOP

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lol maybe it turns out Garland would have been to the right of Gorusch and we actually dodged a bullet not having him confirmed.


Hey, at least the IRS is ramping up enforcement.

They are leaving no stone unturned and dedicating full resources to try to find out who leaked the billionaire tax returns to pro publica. Probably will have to take money out of the billionaire audit budget, but we can all sleep easier once these criminals are found and punished.

Right wing take is obviously this leak proves we cant give any more money or enforcement heft to the IRS.

I look forward to the tax act of '25 where we surcharge labor income to make sure we can better attract job creating capitalists in a competitive global market.