The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I think its called the Statue of Security now.


Weā€™re getting a new Statue of Liberty from France next month. Maybe the inscription will be updated.

Who knew we should have been rooting for the insurrectionists on 1/6. Maybe if they had been a little more successful, there would have been a real fight for democracy. Instead we get to watch the gop slowly tamp it out.

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The Biden DOJ is literally defending Trump on multiple fronts, these boomer motherfuckers just donā€™t get it.

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No theyā€™re not.

Lol, lawbro going to lawbro with some technicality BS about how they are defending the office of President and that just happens to benefit Trump. As they are literally arguing that Trump should be shielded from defaming one of his rape victims because that falls under his duties as President since he did it at the White House:

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ā€œWhy didnā€™t Democrats turn out in the midterms?ā€ Should probably chase more racist diner patrons

Just lol Merrick Garland, gets Mitchā€™d and learns absolutely nothing, boomer lawyer brain is the most broken of the brains and all these assholes will go to their graves convinced of their greatness


As Iā€™m sure Biden will tell you, itā€™s not the ā€œBiden DOJā€. Itā€™s an independent DOJ thatā€™s just following the law. Once he appointed an AG, his involvement ended. If youā€™ve got problems, take it up with Garland.

Who appointed this dipshit?

Were you complaining then that it shouldnā€™t have been Garland?

If you were, then youā€™ve got a legit complaint.

However, as far as I remember, nearly everyone thought Garland was a good choice.

In case itā€™s not clear, this is an argument that I think is horseshit. The fact that the DOJ is defending this shit is one of the most disappointing things about Bidenā€™s presidency to me.

I absolutely was. It was obvious the moment required a flame throwing killer, not a whistle dicked centrist loser. Biden is either naive, stupid or both and this administration is hopeless. Heā€™s going to spend 2023-2024 dribbling applesauce down his chin promising to be nicer to Republicans in his second term.

Iā€™m sorry to all of you who told me this would happen. You were right, I was stupid, wonā€™t fall for it ever again from the Washington Generals.


Well, good call I guess.

I didnā€™t love him. But I thought he would be fine. He is definitely not fine.

Iā€™d be very interested in reading some of these Garland-hating posts from before his confirmation. Iā€™m worthless at using unstuckā€™s search function, but if anyone can dig up a few, Iā€™d like to see them.

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The economy is in terrible shape.

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Not surprising but 100% deplorable. The god damn ā€œSecure. Our. Border.ā€ thing is infuriating. Dems shake their head and act empathetic when they say ā€œdangerous trekā€ while the Republicans scowl. Vive la difference!


Weā€™re healing the country bro and bringing it together. GOP voters will see how reasonable democrats are and calm down and vote for democrats in 2022 and 2024

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ā€œMerrick Garland is mad he didnā€™t get a SCOTUS seat so he is going to go aggro on the GOPā€


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I really have no idea if the economy is good or bad or something else. It mostly just seems weird as hell. Itā€™s like looking at 5 completely different economies all at the same time, but reflected in a funhouse mirror, and you just smoked DMT.


Also he also wants Joe Manchin to succeed. His golf/lunch buddies were deplorable coal executives when he was a relative nobody state legislator in WV. Those are the circles he runs in and theyā€™re probably still pulling the strings.