The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

If somebody would have told me back in 2015 that things were gonna go how they went and that Dems would repeat all of this work together psychobabble verbatim after narrowly beating a fascist coup I would have drawn a bath holding a toaster right then and there.


Can you fuck it?

this is obviously vastly wrong too many things are booming that only happen when things are good

Right and I don’t see any reason to stop the retrograde there. If you want an alternate analysis of Terminator 2, Arnold was the bad terminator forcing the inevitable psychological horror of being born in 1980s America while the T1000 was the good terminator attempting a mercy kill.

As it turns out, apparently I was even less enthusiastic about Garland than I recalled. Here’s me in January



He has to dumb down the maths for his audience who don’t do decimal points or fractions.

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This is legitimately one of the worst columns I’ve ever seen, anywhere.

It’s not a crisis of democracy until I personally have been beaten to death by a QAnon mob.

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The don’t be an asshole party vs the don’t be a pussy party. We need to turn away desperate refugees but don’t be an asshole about it vs we need to turn away desperate refugees, don’t be a pussy about it.


What’s “booming”? The stock market? Congrats rich people!

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The stock market being ‘the economy’ is only nonsense when it makes trump look good. Because trump is a fascist nazi. When it makes biden look good it’s a fact jack. Are you anti fact? Seems kinda sus of you.


lol, okay then


Current/former presidents can’t ever be charged with any crimes, go ahead and tell me that no one is above the law in the US.

Maybe Garland wants DOJ to lose and have actual ruling as precedent.

Paging @SweetSummerChild

Housing prices. Congrats, REITS!

Turns out it’s actually Bernie Sanders that is holding the Democrats back.

Imagine being this fucking stupid.


Show your work

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But I mean, they are also not actually that fucking stupid.

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Decent takedown of Douthat here, although much more polite than he deserves.