The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Next question to Manchin from any competent journalist should be to ask what he thinks about the insurrectionist-in-chief praising him on the filibuster.


someone should just tell Manchin that ending the fillibuster is itself a bipartisan idea


It’s not clear Manchin knows what bipartisan means. Pretty sure he thinks it means “whatever republicans want”.

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McCains reaction wasn’t even that great, he said something like Obama isn’t an Arab, he’s a decent man lol


What annoys me most about that exchange is that the woman almost certainly wanted to say “Muslim” but couldn’t think of the word because she’s a moron, so she said Arab instead, and McCain pretty much rolled with it and was like I know what you mean but no that guy’s ok.

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also that wasn’t a “canary in the coal mine” moment, the “secret muslin commie” thing had been floating around since his 2004 convention appearance, it was pretty much out in the open by then. derps who were dropping the word “madrassa” in every other sentence, pics of obama wearing a turban, whatever. all fully in the mainstream deplorable discourse before that lady said it on national TV.

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Obama was the GOAT target of this stuff. He was literally a simultaneous homosexual egghead Muslim terrorist bougie commie oreo race hustler.

Probably forgetting a couple.

Lol Biden already took all the climate change stuff out of the infrastructure bill to appease Republicans who will all vote against it anyway.


Put Dijon on his burger, but also threw a HIP HOP BBQ

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Sounds like a workable plan, Uncle Joe and ol’ Mitch are long time buddies, see. He’ll come around!



The Democrat with the lowest “Biden score” is Bernie Sanders, while Feinstein/Manchin/Sinema all have 100%.

So either there’s not enough data here, or having a high Biden score isn’t really indicative of being good.

Same here. My dream is to homestead and make beats and be on call to defend the people I care about.


The score is self-evidently about being Biden, not being good.


Wore a tan suit and saluted with a latte.

Heil Hitler. You know Hitler was a socialist like commiebama

This is understood (and to be precise the same Vorp argument comes to a different conclusion with Sinema.). And the junior senator from AZ, that is up in ‘22 doesn’t have the same indefensible positions she has.

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I’m finally done arguing about any of this crap. Have completely resigned myself to the futility of it all, gonna chalk it up to Boomers’ final, most catastrophic act and try to enjoy as much of the present as I can.

I honestly don’t care if they’re corrupt or stupid or whatever, it’s obviously hopeless.

That is going to be the dystopian world created by climate change.

“We must secure our borders”