The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

On a side note I’ve had an amazing success rate with bypassing the paywall on articles by going into “reader view” especially when opening thru the twitter browser

Oh really amazing to see suddenly woke forum posters cry about Biden when there was an actual chance to do something about it a year ago and they all became complete cowards who couldn’t even read a little forum post about how he sucks

People in this thread right now who cried their coward eyes out when he was rightfully called a war criminal a year ago are just so sad and disappointed with the direction the country is going in

Worthless pieces of garbage. Just sit in your fucking air conditioned offices and handwring


Turds like Minosa could not shut the fuck up about how Bernie Brs were ruining the country by being too coarse. That turned out to be an obvious and now provable lie and it was all that people like this moron cared about for an entire primary cycle.

No self reflection from morons like this, just taking the baby brain into 2024



So a corpse listed as a democrat has a higher VORP than Manchin,

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Vorp -1,000,000

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I love talking with you guys but I basically stopped posting because I realized it really is pointless. It’s just inevitable at this point that Republicans take complete control of our country in the next 5-10 years and never let go.

Just seems like that old saying about rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


When you read this, it’s very well written for the majority low information voter. They are going to agree with it even though they don’t know why they are agreeing. If you showed them the facts, they would call this insanity.

It’s like saying the only way to stop people from committing suicide by jumping off bridges is to rely more on anti-gravity to save them.

Manchin is either lying or too stupid to take seriously with his “both sides” act. If he really thinks the current GOP is just another party to be reasoned with he is too stupid to be a senator. Nothing points to him being that stupid. Lying is all that remains. He wants the GOP to succeed.


He’s doing his job. Which is to be the lightning rod of criticism (and hatred). Nothing makes sense unless you look at it through the lens that the major democrats don’t want power. Or they want the trappings of power without any obligation to do anything that the real owners of the world disagree with. They want the GOP to do all the heinous shit at the behest of the corporate overlords and they can be all ‘no please don’t, this is an outrage!’ and tell their constituents ‘give us money and we’ll try to hold back the worst excesses of the GOP.’ but the republicans broke the bargain because the lunatics took over the party. We’d love to do X but we live in a centre right nation you know and we have to work with these people doesn’t quite jibe when 70 million psychos want a literal military coup to install a demented game show host as president and their representatives largely agree. So they need another excuse not to do the things they don’t want to do and hey along comes Joe Lieberman sorry Joe manchin the man with the power to stop the juggernaut of American politics on his own. Of course if they had a 4 seat majority all that would change is there would have to be 4 Joe manchin s instead of 1 if they had a 20 seat majority you suddenly find around 20 senators had concerns about the filibuster or pure partisan politics etc. They’re showing their hand as little as possible in the hopes that people will be angry at the lightning rod but still keep donating to the party.


Who could have seen this coming.


We have known he’s a no vote for months. That legislation at best probably has like 48 votes, it isn’t a filibuster problem.

Related, WSJ had an opinion piece saying the senate parliamentarian ruled Dems essentially only have one more bill they can pass via reconciliations. Lol WSJ so I can’t tell if it is true, but basically said that as ruled the Republicans on the budget committee could just not show up and kill any other reconciliation attempts. So we might just be down to passing the 2022 budget and whatever can go in that

Found a link. Guess they still get a 2023 budget before midterms too, but looks like also maybe republicans could just not show up to budget committee meetings and no reconciliation bill this year since the power sharing arrangement left the committees 11-11.

Guessing we get scaled down infrastructure with a token tax hike and that’s probably that.

So we are left with Stacy Abrams nationalizing her get out the vote effort in 2022 and somehow hope we get two more seats and hold the house.

Any small change will likely have an impact given the razor thin margins in congress.

I’m very WAAF but some part of my brain has to drown out the existential dread, so I tell myself that it comes down to a lot of factors, including how many formerly blase Democrats are permanently pissed and have been turned into vote at all costs people, vs. the number of Trump slappies that go right back into hibernation once that clown is out of sight and out of mind. And the usual fraction of a % improvement that comes every few years from pure demographic shifts.

2022 at least might not be as hideous as we think, but if this administration is seen as having done absolutely nothing for two years, it could get ugly. That’s where passing the stimulus so early may come back to bite Biden, it’s gonna be a what have you done for me lately situation (answer will surely be “not much”).

It also depends on when they roll out their changes. Trump and DeJoy would have gotten away with their plan to disrupt USPS service to foil mail in ballots if they had waited until September or October to start slowing down the mail but they jumped the gun and started in June and gave people time to plan around their slowdown.