The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Reminder that in 2024, this is the senate map that will be defended:


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I can’t even bring myself to think two cycles ahead. I legit have to think about my own mental health here. I just like to tell myself (foolishly) that so much can change over the course of a few years we don’t know wtf is gonna happen.

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I think Manchin is basically correct when he says:

The truth, I would argue, is that voting and election reform that is done in a partisan manner will all but ensure partisan divisions continue to deepen.

I am just on the side of wanting more partisan divisions.

So at this point and are pretty much drawing towards the infrastructure reconciliation being awesome enough it draws big turnout in 2022 and not being watered down at all. Yeah WAAF

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The bill Manchin just came out against isnt directly targeted at countering the worst GOP voting rights abuses. It seems pretty obvious they should at least try for the more narrowly tailored bill Cinema co-sponsored, but really who are we kidding the ballgame is over and we’re completely and totally fucked.


filibuster getting removed had no chance anyway without at least 55 dems so w/e there but man Joe was f’ing stupid saying he wouldn’t vote for pure partisan shit. He could’ve just played the song and dance saying we’re trying to reach an agreement and we’re working hard but if republicans won’t vote for what we compromise this is their last chance but noooo didn’t say something like that.

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We could probably have a separate thread on the theory of democracy.

Democracy requires super-majority support of the mechanisms of democracy in order to be function. The threat to democracy posed by Republicans is not the things they will do if they win. The threat they pose is the de-legitimization of the process. Democracy fails when too many Republicans refuse to accept the process and they do too many things so that Democrats can not accept the process either.

In this regard, Manchin is right that electoral reform needs bipartisan support to be effective. The problem is that he doesn’t understand that the correct solution involves smashing the Republican Party in its current form.

The true reason to feel WAAF is the lack of consensus about the very fundamentals of democracy. So long as Republicans believe they can rig elections to bring about their preferred outcomes, they will always prefer rigging elections. The only way to get them to change course would be to beat them brutally in an election that they rigged. Even then, some of them will prefer civil war to changing the direction of the Republican Party.

The alternative is for them to win rigged elections and prove to be so corrupt (and Donald Trump apparently wasn’t corrupt enough) that a popular uprising (not necessarily a violent one) causes regime change and the creation of a new constitution to replace our current outdated one. This might only come about with a financial crisis worse than the Great Depression.

Sometimes, HR1 and filibuster reform feel like small potatoes within this greater context. We may need to think more about solutions that lie outside of the forms of mainstream American democracy.


Honestly I think we’re past the point of finding solutions. The United States as a political entity is broken beyond repair.

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I’ll go even further and say that post-democracy scenarios have to be on the table for the left to consider.

He is actively working against democracy yet people claim his VORP is positive.

People are miscalculating VORP.

Some percentage of replacement senators would be democrats. Any percentage, however minute would make them more useful than Manchin. His VORP is negative.

Bottom line is fuck all Joes

But I did get alert that GOP negotiators say a police bill will be forthcoming. Can’t wait for that toilet paper that the dems will then felliate.

The Texas AG said without mail in suppression they would have lost the state in the last election,

I disagree because one side is voter suppression and the other is expansion.

If Manchin doesn’t understand that I hope he doesn’t get a terminal illness.

It’s like saying the insurrection is a partisan issue. It’s nonsense. Manchin is the embodiment of nonsense.

I’m pretty close to completely giving up. I truly think we could see some very very bad and ugly outcomes within the next 5-10 years.

Let’s be honest. Infrastructure was never going to push turnout.

Might actually be a place they do something bipartisan, but don’t think will be a popular bill around these parts

Oh I know. I’m just trying to come up with some scenario that doesn’t lead to what we all see coming. Best I got.

Checking out seems like for the best.

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I don’t think this is true but they’re not gonna leave any chances if they can help it from now on that’s for sure and they would’ve sweated it–instead of LOL dems.