The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

If the democrats proposed cutting capital gains to 8%, republicans would say “No, how about 1%”. And dems would negotiate to 1.1% and republicans would decline to pass it anyways because they want to do it when they are in power.


This is the most likely of all possible outcomes.

The idea that the democrats have to still show those two nitwit senators the republicans are acting in bad faith is abhorrently absurd.

I will say it for the ten millionth time. They need to be completely ostracized and cut out of EVERYTHING. Arizona and West Virginia can literally suck it.

Instead everything has to be a performance for their Royal approval?

#FuckVORP #TubbervilleBetterDemthanManchin

People are really okay with the dems doing a soft shoe and a sweet little song EVERY SINGLE BILL so Sinema and Manchin might give them a thumbs up one day.

Enough with this carrot shit. Beat them to death with a stick.


The Ds ostracizing Manchin would be good for him, unless you assume he genuinely cares about helping the country.

Rachel gets it.


That woman is A+, so good. Don’t love that specific ad, but love her message.

Bitecofer was one of the Lincoln Project slappies, consider me skeptical.

Yikes, I may have to retract my initial impression. Not good.

This is something I’m actually curious about. Why is he a democrat? Does he actually support broad democratic policy? He seems to vote against them all.

If he is just a careerist why not walk across the isle. He would instantly shift the power of the senate and be a hero.

The guy make no sense to me.

Because IRL he’s a senior member of the WV political machine and they have decided they want a foot in each camp.


What democratic policy does he support? The only example I can find is he has voted to keep Obamacare in place. Every other time he voted republican other than he voted to impeach.

I get the sense that she was attached to the Lincoln Project because she was looking to advance her career, not because she’s a moderate anti-Trump Republican.

It’s more like she wants to be a Karl Rove for the left as a loyal Democrat who cares more about winning than about what the Democratic Party should be ideologically. From following her Twitter, I don’t have a clear idea of her policy preferences, but she’s somewhere within the mainstream of the Democratic Party, most likely.

She thinks Sinema is a fool and she believes targeting swing voters is a bad strategy. I don’t agree with her on everything, but I agree with her on the latter.

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That is the lowest bar imaginable. Looking at his voting record and policy support it is very difficult to find democratic policy he supports.

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It sounds like she’s going to make a bunch of useless attack ads (making Republicans play defense!) and not talk about policy or give people any reason whatsoever to vote for Democrats just like the Lincoln Project. The left doesn’t need a Karl Rove, they need to fucking talk about health care.


Dems need to maximize partisanship and polarization. Talking about health care can be a part of that.


Pretty sure this is accurate and also that 569k makes all options possible.


He’s an old school democrat from back when West Virginia was bluer than the nation and white rural democrats were not uncommon. Dukakis got beat pretty badly by Bush, but he won West Virginia. If Republicans hadn’t gone crazy, he possibly could have switched parties by now. He would have had a tough time winning a WV republican primary so I don’t think he had much of an option. He doesn’t switch now, even if he doesn’t want to run again, because he’s not a Trumper. Really a man without a home.

The contrarian know-it-alls are having a field day with the jobs data. But mostly I just think it’s cool that the recovery from last year looks like the step response of an RC circuit.

Edit. Well that was embarrassing.


I guess compare his votes w Caputo. Cannot underestimate the value of not having R committees running investigations and interference.

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