The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

99% of the 1% and 1% of the 99% pay attention to corporate taxes.


I like the slogan but is this true? A huge chunk of the middle and lower class views corporate taxes as part of the culture war. I suppose itā€™s correct that they donā€™t ā€œpay attentionā€ to corporate taxes, like they couldnā€™t tell you want the current tax rates are, but lots of people want Bad Corporations to be punished with higher taxes and lots of other people want Job Creators rewarded with corporate tax cuts.

The effective tax rate on many of these giant profitable corporations is negative. Whatever the ostensible rate is, they arenā€™t going to pay anyway. And the people they lobby and sponsor arenā€™t going to change that. If Bernie or someone like him tried, theyā€™d never get it passed.

How the POTUS uses actual executive authority is more important.


Right, thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying as well. @Riverman 's post you were responding to was criticizing Biden for walking back his original corporate tax proposal, which I think we are all agreeing was totally inadequate in the first instance. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m saying that Biden wasnā€™t even really going after corporations in the first place, so itā€™s particularly weak of him to back off from even that starting point. I think weā€™re all on the same page.

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RCP has his lowest approval Mid August 2017, which would be calling people end of July/ early August . The McCain thumbs down was on July 27. The low approval you quote was right in the middle of the government shutdown, which I think was far more responsible for any drop.

The tax cut was actually pretty popularā€¦by Trump standards. It was possibly the least popular tax cut ever but only 50% disapproved. Less hated than Trump himself, meanwhile the repeal

An analysis of national polls by MIT political scientist Christopher Warshaw and Stanford political economist David Broockman showed that the AHCA ā€œis the most unpopular piece of major legislation Congress has considered in decadesā€

Iā€™m getting close to thinking the progressives in the house need to follow through on this.


I just got this new phone. Now I have to smash it. Not clicking the link.


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Isnā€™t all the compromise talk just theatre for manchin and sinemasā€™s benefit? He could offer to change the bill to anything and would get zero republican votes.

He just has to make it look like he tried for those two?

Who knows with these dumb fucks.


Those two could just as easily claim they didnā€™t try hard enough to change GOP minds. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking.

Manchin, anyway. Iā€™m almost positive Sinema is trolling at this point.

It is very hard to retain a shred of optimism watching this shit play out.


In a lot of ways this bill is his ultimate test if he is the 50 year experience political guru or some old moron stuck in 1960.

If he ends up passing a $2T bill via reconciliation we will know itā€™s the former.

Iā€™m betting slightly on the latter at this point.

Either this is a all play acting because they know even now all Republicans are going to vote no and they are going to pass something thatā€™s 75 percent of what was originally proposed or thereā€™s about 19 months left of Dem Senate and House control in the working lives of most/all posters on this board.

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This was posted as a top reply to that tweet but Iā€™ll just drop it here too. Can never have too much of the Bunk IMO.


The Dems, post-LBJ, have literally never successfully pulled off any maneuver requiring any level of strategic behavior. Not once in my lifetime. All signs point to this being exactly what it appears.


Umm, what about that time they all hid in that junior senators office with Santos making all the Republicans think they had went home for the holidays only to stroll out at the last minute just in time to vote and pass the bill?!?


They absolutely should.

Let Republicans vote for the bill that was compromised down to make Republicans happy.

When have the Dems ever exhibited this level of sophistication around negotiating and political maneuvering? They say they want R buy in because they want R buy in, they think it makes them look mature and Responsible.

I donā€™t know Jeff, I truly donā€™t know. One that has real value some tell me. But I canā€™t see it.

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