The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

You mistyped “100%”.

Most of that 30% is another Roy Moore type situation. Republicans are so crazy they are capable of turning lay ups into close elections.

He failed to bring his dog.

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This is correct.


But Grandpa Joe is instead negotiating against himself yet again.

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It is correct but it is a misconception to think that eDems’ top priority is passing their bill. Their top priority is maintaining a narrative that they are the Responsible And Reasonable Adults In Charge. They will happily pass a weaker bill if it comes with a self delusion that fits their world view.


Another day, another corrupt Biden official exposed (allegedly)!

Louis DeJoy, which in French means “Louis Of Joy,” who currently serves in the capacity of President Biden’s Postmaster General (a role formerly played masterfully by the late Wilford Brimley) is under investigation for illegal campaign donations.

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Then we would have another wv Senator vote against minimum wage, voting rights, taxes, etc etc.


People work too hard to try and paint Manchin as not as bad as he actually is and it makes no sense. Some of you act like he is your uncle. He is horrible, not a democrat and a detriment to democracy.

If people can’t figure out why someone pretending to be a democrat, trashing all their objectives is not WORSE than a mudbrained Republican, I can not help you.


Yeah campaign finance. Always life in prison.

Yeah this is insane. Why is he doing this. He will change his stance on taxes again lowering the ceiling while still not passing anything.

He doesn’t understand the world he lives in at all.


Yeah, just gonna have to disagree with you there.

Joe Manchin is better than Tommy Tuberville or Ted Cruz or Jim Inhofe or Kevin Cramer or…

The worst part is that the GOP can negotiate this down to pure garbage, and then still shit all over the bill as being some kind of socialist handout-fest after the fact.



I’ll listen to the Bill Shor types when they say Democrats have to shut up about defund the police and even immigration in order to court dumb white people.

But this infrastructure bill is about giving people stuff they like! There is absolutely zero reason to water the bill down. You just pass whatever the hell you want then brag about it to voters. I get that the negotiation is performative because you need the two D holdouts but it is unforgivable to incorporate concessions from failed negotiations in the final bill.

Similarly, the literal least popular thing Trump ever did, worse than clearing out peaceful protesters to hold up a bible, worse than telling people to inject bleach to defeat COVID, worse than any Russia/Ukrane stuff, was pass the corporate tax cut. Absolutely everyone hates large corporations and wants them to pay more tax. Yet Biden is already letting go of raising the corporate tax rate AT ALL. Just staggering political and policy malpractice:


And take credit for passing the popular parts of it.


That’s not true. Obamacare repeal was the least popular thing he tried. The insurrection second.

Sweetsummerchild much?

Maybe Bernie would have actually gone after corporations. Maybe. Biden? No chance. If there are ever increases they will not touch the giants.


A boomer not understanding the world they live in, you don’t say?

First, lol google


Also, I’m not sure about this, while the insurrection got him down to 34%, that matched his January, 2018 rating (right after the tax cut):

I feel what you’re saying, but even the higher end of Biden’s corporate tax policy suggestions would have brought the taxes up to a level that was still lower than during the Obama admin. I wouldn’t really call that “going after” corporations.