The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Eh, I think we have some potential inflation issues. Maybe they’re temporary, but I dont know if I want to bet on that. In some ways not the worst thing because inflation only is going to happen with sustained wage increases and the market is so inflated we could really use a 50% correction.

Anecdotally, inflation definitely seems to be a thing in my world. But I have more debt than savings and I don’t need to make any major purchases so I say print more money.



someone should tell sinema changing the rules would change behavior.

The narrative is completely flipped if Coach Nazi is the 2nd senator from WV. Instead of [guy from your own party] very publicly attempting to sabotage the bill and taking money out of people’s pockets, it’s the American Nazi Party doing that. When you’re on offense, people expect you to score. Instead, what we got was the worst possible political outcome for Dems with Joe #1 turning $2k into $1.4k and Joe #2 reducing UE in a public tantrum for no fucking reason at all while tanking every other bill of consequence. Over-promised and under-delivered. Well played.

When you’re on offense, people expect you to score. Not scoring and taking back money promised to voters has to be like the absolute worst fucking thing you could ever do politically. “Check out this do-nothing president doing absolutely nothing and taking back all the money he promised you!” is going to be the winning message and Grandpa Joe is just realizing it now in [checks calendar] June. Good luck explaining how your own party is the reason nothing is happening when you control all three branches of gov’t lol.

That would be chef’s kiss perfect though because it puts the spotlight on how absolutely meaningless this sweeping Democrat “victory” was. I wrote about this months ago but the real number was obviously never 50, but it’s also not 51 nor 52 and maybe not even 55. We don’t really know what the number is because it’s a moving target with cloaked saboteurs that will only unmask themselves in emergency situations. When you’re on offense, people expect you to score. That’s a problem for the 1919 White Sox of politics.


Isnt this board overwhelmingly pro legalisation of drugs? Let them have them have the drugs.

I pretty much agree with your post, but just a small correction here… The three branches of the federal government are the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, and the third one (SCOTUS), after the McConnell/Trump seat thefts, is 6-3 “conservative” now.

That said, that small quibble doesn’t really change your point that the Dems should be able to pass legislation with nominal numerical “control” of both houses of the legislature, along with the presidency. And it looks really bad when they fail to deliver, as you note.

It’s cathartic to rage and I do it all the time but this isn’t a grand conspiracy, just a combination of cowardice, impotence, stupidity and garden variety corruption.

I’ve said it a bunch but Cinema just seems legit crazy. I don’t know how you deal with someone like that, it seems completely hopeless.


Yeah obviously you are correct and there is a more accurate way to say it when referring to the three elected components. Is it trifecta?

Extra infuriating when you consider that until very recently Biden believed he could even get Republicans to vote with him. Dude can’t even sway his own party and his response is to throw up his hands and say “nothing I can do about this.”

Also I’m being generous in assuming Biden has in fact changed his mind on Republicans, I’m not even sure if that’s true.

No man. No one here likes Joe Manchin. I fucking knew when I saw you responded to this thread you would say some dumb shit like this forum likes Manchin

You did the same sort of disingenuous shit when you said this board was full of a bunch of Biden lovers. When I posted links to polls that had no one in this forum you shut up. So hell lets do a poll

Do you like Joe Manchin?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Biden’s meeting with Putin is coming up on the 16th and there still doesn’t seem to be a compelling reason for this summit. Since it was arranged, Putin has continued his cyber attacks while the Biden administration has done little in response. They’ve even protected Putin’s puppet former president by denying access to documents and declining to go after some of his toadies. They don’t seem to want anything to threaten the meeting.

What’s going on? Biden wants a foreign policy “win” (publicity)? He overestimates what he can accomplish in a summit? Something something human rights? Belarus and Ukraine are supposed to be on the agenda. But these things are likely to be resolved in a face-to-face meeting. There’s no guaranteed win, which pre-Trump, was a pre-requisite So what’s the point?

No idea, really. But, and I only mention this because I just finished watching season 1 of Resident Alien, that new government report on UAPs is also happening this month. Ofc, it’s almost certainly nothing, or at most just more photos or videos similar to the ones we’ve already seen and it’s completely unrelated to the irrational behavior of global leaders. But on the other hand, maybe Biden tells Putin our captured alien scientists are better than his and the jig is up. Or he reveals that he’s a rep for The Interplanetary Federation and they’re tired of having this planet run by penny-ante operators. That would be fun.

A bunch of people with the same interests don’t have to conspire to act the same way. Not even to decide “Manchin is going to take the heat, I’m free to pander.”


If this forum loves Biden that is very news to me.


Biden et al’s foreign policy style is to talk a good game and do nothing, so a summit is the perfect opportunity for that. I expect they’ll act vaguely tough and tell everyone how sad and disappointed they are. I’m more surprised that Russia sees any value in it to be honest.

In general I’m a fan of countries talking to one another and it doesn’t or shouldn’t imply they’re friends, allies or aligned or anything, it’s just a way of resolving issues short of killing people, but it is difficult to see anything constructive coming out of the US / Russia relationship at the moment.

(I’d guess there’s an outside chance of Open Skies being put back together, but it seems pretty unlikely.)


This sounds suspiciously like their domestic policy.


Because we preferred a Biden win to a Donnie Dumb Dumb win and a one party ethnofascist totalitarian state, the only possible conclusion is that we love Biden with every fiber of our being. It is known.


Oh good let’s wait for another very sincere counteroffer

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I think the consensus here would be that Biden is doing a good, not great, job. Some people are slightly more pessimistic and optimistic than that, but it would be my opinion as well to be honest. Although obviously a big part of that is getting to come after Trump. The Covid bill was big, there have been improvements on immigration (although vastly more is needed), he has kept the moratorium on eviction and student loan payments and bills that he has proposed like the infrastructure bill are good.

Now obviously he is never going to go far enough and really do what he needs to do. But at least for me Biden has at least met my very low expectations. We are still fucked in the next few years.


Biden has been surprisingly decent on policy, but that doesn’t really matter if he can’t pass anything. And he continues to cling to outdated and naive notions of how the system works.

I’m actually sympathetic to his strategy of not putting the GOP on blast 24/7 - it keeps his poll numbers up and that’s what surrogates are for - but he has to do way more on the filibuster. It’s the only issue that matters.