The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

He needs to just die already. He’s 75 and in god awful health, just have a massive coronary and give the country a chance.

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i didn’t get any stimmy checks and my anxiety throughout pandemic has been worse than ever. thanks biden!

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What are those numbers if it was a 2k check like Biden lied about because he’s a lying racist fuck?



Randomly got some Biden Bux today! Thanks, Joe!giphy


Everyone remember when every media outlet ran with ZOMG INFLATION INFLATION INFLATION and serious economists said yes there will be temporary inflation but it’s not a big deal?

The 10-yr treasury is currently yielding 1.6%, less than before the stimulus passed. Lol media always.

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I don’t watch the news but tons of people are still on the inflation hype train.

Key consumer benchmarks for “inflation” have been rising though, like gas prices and groceries, unless I’m mistaken.

Year over year numbers are scary right now until you remember that demand of things like gas were at historic lows a year ago.

And where goes gas goes everything else.

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Yeah, I mean the whole concept of inflation is a bit loosey goosey when there is an instantaneous global shift in consumption patterns. Even in “normal” time the economists have a hard time unpacking “true” inflation effects from everything else.

Economics reporting drives me nuts. Stonks go up 0.015% but there has to be 500 words written why things were up vs down.

Remember the BORDER CRISIS?

Does replacing Manchin with a typical WV Republican affect how liberal of a replacement Biden can name if Souter ever decides to resign (or dies)?

Replacing Manchin with a typical WV Republican means that Biden doesn’t get to replace Souter.

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do you read krugman?

Err, I meant Breyer.


I don’t read any of that beyond headlines. Then my eyes roll out of my head.

I missed it was with JOHN CORNYN