The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The real strength of the democracy is shown by how it functions under the greatest stressors right? Seems like doing anti-democratic things to save the democracy is not the right move.

That’s how Manchin views things.

This is all true, but all these conversations should come around to the fact that Republicans are overwhelmingly undemocratic, to the point that almost anything at this point that combats their objectives is net-positive for democracy. Virtually any war is definitionally undemocratic (it’s a resolution of a political dispute via might is right) but some wars are ultimately prodemocratic in the long run.

The US is past the point of truly democratic solutions, the government is currently willfully overriding the will of the vast, vast majority of Americans. The options are all bad at this point, but by far the least bad option is the Democrats pulling out all the stops to enact legislation. The other options are “peacefully” allow the Republicans to install the one party ethnofascist totalitarian state that they want, or a blood in the streets civil war.


This is a fair way to view it for sure. The war analogy is a good one.

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Joe Biden is Neville Chamberlain if he doesn’t change his behavior.


It is shocking to see him making the same mistakes as Obama and he has the benefit of the Trump years as data to add into his worldview.

At this point, if your main worldview in the US is based on bipartisanship you are simply too stupid to be in government.

Yep that’s him.


Yeah no chance that ever gets passed. 1 thing. Giving money away. Something the republicans did multiple times.

Find me something to indicate he is a democrat.

If tommy tubberville were listed as a dem he would have voted for that bill. Don’t give Manchin credit for doing any big favors.

Plus I don’t accept this theory replacement means Republican. Because there is literally a democrat there now. Acting like it is impossible makes zero sense.

Absolutely indefensible and enraging beyond words.


Because the problem is inside congress. Bernie isn’t lighting the world on fire. He is just spouting the same rhetoric as always.

Yeah I think senators have to fix the issues we have. The president simply doesn’t have enough control to fix the problems with the senate.

How can you use the phrase “depend upon” in regards to Manchin.

He can only be depended upon to screw things up in his VORP superhero costume.

What about those who are delusional about who someone is and what they will do? Where do those people fit in?

You think being a fence sitter instead of taking a side despite the evidence is an admirable character trait? I don’t, not really.

We have done this Manchin dance for months and those calling Manchin out have been proven right unendingly. When will the fence sitting pay off?

I have seen a lot of evidence where letters and cards are used constantly to smuggle drugs.

Drugs are inserted in cards. Letters are dipped in a form of liquid meth that can then be extracted inside. I have seen a ton of evidence about this. Enough that I am fine with them scanning mail.

Or they should let most of them out but until then…:sunglasses:

For things like minimum wage he has done that. The presidents power is pretty finite.

Was with Trump, even with his total disregard for norms. If he were not supported entirely by a Republican congress he would have done nothing at all.

My whole life it has been the same. Congressional likability ratings have been in the teens or lowers as long as I can remember. Yet the president is the focal point for not liking what is happening.

Do people agree or disagree that the senate is the most important part of our federal government right now when it comes to achieving broad goals?

I think Biden can do a lot more but when it comes to the big issues the senate has been the decider for a while now.

If Bernie had won, Manchin would have probably switched parties and he probably wouldn’t have been the only one. It’s all hopeless.


Agree that people delusional about Manchin are also in fantasy land. Biden would be an example.

I wouldn’t say that WV is as likely to vote for a strident Nazi as they are for Manchin is “fence sitting” on Manchin. Manchin is terrible, other people are actually even worse.

I’m not sure what to make of your last comment. Again, hating Republicans more than one hates Biden isn’t intended to “pay off”. I’m kind of confused about this point.

This is a fair point because Biden was obviously wrong about his ability to build consensus in Congress. Its basically the defining characteristic of his Presidency.

I dunno, I think Biden is mildly over optimistic but also playing politics/optics. Rs aren’t the only ones who like father figures, and think Biden is playing the disappointed father role.

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I can think of some behavior Arizona voters can and should change. I absolutely hate this woman.


Moral of the story, we pray that Trump doesn’t run in 2024. And maybe 2022 isn’t going to be as bad as we fear?

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