The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

No because if WV tommy were Senator nobody would be wasting time trying to get him to do stuff. If both guys obstruct useful legislation, the guy pretending to be a democrat is simply much worse. Much,much,much worse.

Let me know when Manchin does ANYTHING that fulfills his VORP rating here. Him and tommy are pretty much the same guy at this point only Manchin has been much more harmful because people take him seriously and think he is a democrat.

Heā€™s not the president and thatā€™s not what ā€˜bully pulpitā€™ means.

Iā€™m approximately 8900 posts behind in this thread but let me know if we can re-re-re-litigate finally finish litigating the primaries and start pushing Joe left. Or, if that already happened, how it went.


What has he done in six months thatā€™s different from Tubberville?

I donā€™t really understand this gibberish but seems on major votes they voted the same way every time.

He opposes all the legislation we want to see, so what is his value as the 50th dem if he votes like tommy tubberville regularly.

And I am joking w above because they havenā€™t been any meaningful votes except for one because he insists on blocking everything else.

You guys should expect more from a Democratic Senator than to literally be tommy tubberville of WV.

They absolutely should be freezing him out of everything. I donā€™t care if they like him as a dinner date. This goes for Bernie too wtf.

Joe Manchin sucks. This was weakened because of Joe Manchin.

But this 100% does not get passed if Joe was replaced with Tommy Tuberville.


It doesnā€™t even get a vote if Democrats donā€™t have 50.



It can be true that he is highly valuable and in a leverage position right now AND we want to be at 52 so we donā€™t have to depend on him and Sin.

This is possible in your world. But in some imaginary worlds there is literally no space permitted between ā€œI love X with every fiber of my beingā€ and ā€œI hate X with every fiber of my beingā€. Life is simpler over in Imaginary Absolutism Land.


God fucking damn it man. Why are you like this? I feel like every single one of us who comes close to doing anything at all close to ā€œdefendingā€ Manchin makes sure to post a disclaimer

Joe Manchin fucking sucks and is bad.

Yet you still do the classic twist things around 100%. Come the fuck off man.

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From everything Iā€™ve seen the majority of the contraband comes in thru guards and staff. The scanning thing is just a way to create another revenue stream for prisons because once they start charging them Iā€™d be surprised if dems stop them. Then prisons will spend money on some AI to parse thru the scanned docs and make sure no ā€œbannedā€ language or anything is written

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Disagree. In terms of the Senate and House, sure.

But he could pass EOs and also use soft power to influence businesses to be more inclusive the way Trump encouraged them to be more racist for example.

Clicked on this thread because the title promised we are done litigating Manchin.

I feel deceived.


And unless the contraband is literally disguised as letters from Grandma (and not just in with the letter) what does the scanning add? Presumably they already claim to physically check mail, e.g. is there a file in this cake etc. and so on.


Senators are like assholes: everyone has two.


This does happen a lot but itā€™s not because anyone here (or hardly anyone, I canā€™t think of anyone but I donā€™t know everything) likes Manchin. Itā€™s just to point out that somehow things could actually be even worse because 'Merica.

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Oh, weā€™re doing this again


Alright at least Joe is fucking trying something now. Heā€™s not LBJ but at least he is trying now lol.

ā€œI hear all the folks on TV say, ā€˜why doesnā€™t Biden get this done?ā€™ā€ said Biden. ā€œWell, because Biden only has a majority of effectively four votes in the House and a tie in the Senateā€”with two members of the Senate who vote more with my Republican friends. But weā€™re not giving up.ā€

Maybe Biden should take his dick out in meetings like LBJ? Or maybe update to current technology and keep sending Manchin dick pics until he votes the right way.

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Man whatever the fuck it takes to save democracy. CIA their families. Thats where Iā€™m at right now.