The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I am getting more pessimistic as time goes by. I thought he did a pretty good job the first few months for the reasons you listed. However, in the last couple months he has been doing a terrible job. He has totally succumbed to this bipartisan delusion and is basically frozen doing nothing. The COVID bill was great. Now what? We are still in a pandemic. Democracy is still being threatened. Enough with the friendly Joe act. It’s clear the GOP is not interested. Time to throw elbows.


It’s easier for him to pretend this. More grievance-fuel.


I pretty much agree with all that.


Lol there’s like 5 consecutive posts of people saying “actually Biden is (or was) doing a pretty good job” interspersed with “GTFO saying people here like him”


Most obvious bad faith post ever. Do better.

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Also there are things he’s just straight up fucking up.

Means testing the stimulus was really stupid, he has done absolutely nothing on student loans after campaigning on it and his Justice Department is straight up covering up for Trump. All completely indefensible.


Lots of little victories that won’t matter a damn of Dems whiff it on voting rights.


I’ll admit I lol’d hard at anyone suggesting anything would happen to trump legally but deep in my lizard brain I still thought “surely they won’t let everything slide. Some of his most obvious criminality will not be brushed aside”.

Lol my lizard brain.

When historians write the story of this decade the fact that trump faced zero legal consequences will be the headline chapter and Biden and the JD will be the villains.

On a Biden scale he gets a 6.5/10 from me. On a what we actually need scale he gets a 2.5/10.

The thing is, based on who he is and what he has to work with on congress he hadn’t done too bad. Now has he “shifted to the left” after getting in office or whatever nonsense we heard as we were being told to vote for him? Not really.


@Riverman nailed it. He’s “good on policy” but can’t get it passed, is that doing a “good job” or a “bad job”? This question has no good answer and trying to answer it just creates a gigantic clusterfuck of definitional “debate” about the role of the President, etc.

It’s probably most accurate to say that the Democratic party has failed as an institution, and Biden and a few hundred other prominent Dems over the years all had a hand in that.


? He is not in any way good on policy. What good policies is he pushing for? The fact that he can’t even get his mediocre policies passed is just insult to injury.

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I wonder why he put “good on policy” in quotes. Hmmm. I can’t figure it out. It must be he thinks Biden is the leftist most left president ever with perfect progressive policy. That must be it.

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His administration has suggested a bunch of policies, some of which have progressive elements which would improve things from the status quo, and I agree that pretty much all of them are inadequate because as we are well aware main stream Dems including Biden are not liberal enough.

I think I’ll leave it at that because I know that if I mention any specific policy you will say “but that’s not left enough, it’s not good!” which is fine, I don’t really debate that, and I don’t really see the point going down that road just to arrive at “Biden is not as progressive as we wish he was” because I am operating under the assumption that is a universally held view on UP.

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I am actually quite sympathetic to the views of @catfacemeowmers and others, I mean it is extremely disappointing and frustrating that Biden and other centrists get any credit at all for barely exceeding extremely low expectations.


And like 98% of the forum agrees with this as well but they keep pretending this place is overrun by right wing adherents. It’s straight up delusion.

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Biden did finally end the remain in Mexico policy a couple days ago, so I guess he wins some points for (after months) undoing some of the worst of Trump’s insanity and returning something to just the regular level of terrible.

I don’t know, the Riverman post he’s talking about doesn’t have any qualifiers, but yeah maybe when he said good on policy he actually meant bad on policy. Stupid me. Ya’ll can carry on with a bunch more posts where you talk about how Biden is actually pretty good but also lash out at Victor for pointing out that you think he’s pretty good.


Yeah I mean - it’s a given that democrats are going to be in control about half the time, and republicans about half the time, because voters are fucking stupid and absolutely no material conditions will ever cause them to disavow one of the parties, so it’s a coinflip every time. We chose a bottom tier democrat to handle our turn, and I find it really counterproductive to point out the generic insufficient dem policies he supports.

This is kind of the whole problem though. We have people that think the scale is Pass/Fail, full stop. This 6.5 and 2.5 stuff doesn’t mean anything to them. And that’s ok, but it’s very tired to keep going around in circles about it.

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